Saturday, May 23, 2020

Sittin' on the wall..

.. but don't even think about sitting on the bench :) I took this pic two weeks ago so that might have changed by now, will have to check it out.. just an excuse to go and get a coffee from Alley Cats Espresso, at Hillarys Boat Harbour, it's so good, that's why there is queue sitting waiting on the wall, socially distancing of course :) That's quite an alley cat below! Can you believe we are in the last days of autumn heading into winter and today it's going to be 27C, it might be the last for a while though, next week rain rain rain 🌂Happy weekend, take care and stay safe..



  1. ...pickup windows are the thing these days!

  2. That is quite an alley cat. Not one I'd want to run into in the dark.

  3. We are at 22˚C and it is sunny so everyone wants to be out and about which makes it difficult to social distance.

  4. Yupp, recognised where that is at once, Grace.
    21C here and weee. Some 20 drops of rain today. Feels like Perth minus the smell of Eucalyptus!

  5. 😺 Meow!!!
    I'm not that wild … LOL
    I still don't dare to go to the shop for coffee. These days were warm and so busy in the city! Have a great weekend, Grace! 🤗

  6. That is a great reflection. Enjoy your weekend.

  7. A fierce looking cat. Rainy and windy here. We have a code yellow for the wind.


  8. Looks like they have a pretty view in addition to great coffee. We are expecting severe storms tonight...the norm in N. Texas in the Spring.

  9. The pick up window is perhaps the most popular place right now.

  10. While some seats are taped over, it is amazing how many places where you can actually sit that aren't made for seating.

  11. Checked out there facebook page, it made my mouth water

  12. Oh, sigh all those new rules, it makes me feel so uncomfortable. Have to think all the time, keep distances

  13. Things are easing up here now too. Precautions included of course.

  14. The tape seems to be going off the benches here.

  15. sitting on the wall, with the view, sigh, sigh. I wish. ;-)

  16. Yeah I know it seems a bit odd, and folks find a place anyway, nearby. Outside in the sunlight the virus is not able to cling as long either. Some places have removed their benches and even those that were concreted into the ground! Now that's odd.
