Thursday, April 11, 2019

Appreciating art..

 A visit to Art Gallery WA is one of my favourite things to do in the city.. or to one of the many smaller art galleries also. The expression 'a painting is worth a thousand words' comes to mind when looking at Aboriginal art. Not always but often a painting can simply represents a scene, a landscape, a portrait etc. whereas Aboriginal art represents their life, their history. The photograph below was one that most mothers, fathers, grandparents could relate to, who hasn't told a child a story by drawing pictures in the sand.. if you embiggen the images below the artist's story becomes clear. I loved this shot..

The artworks below are part of the Desert River Sea exhibition last seen here on the blog...

Necessity is the mother of invention came to mind when I read the artist's statement for the piece below, parents everywhere are going to do whatever they have to do to keep their children fed and clothed. The exhibit I'll show tomorrow could not possibly be more different! Happy Thursday, take care and stay safe..


  1. Some very interesting things there.

  2. How Cool Is That
    Also, I will be hosting a Swing Jazz, Big Band, And Rockabilly Style of Cover Tunes on Friday at 8:30am Your Time Zone. Will have the web cam on as well. Hope you will be able to stream live.

    www dot kafmradio dot org

  3. Love that first photo of the couple sat in the gallery enjoying the work! I love to sit and take in the work like that too.

  4. You probably know how much I love visiting art museums so you will not be surprised if I tell you I love everything you have photographed here. The Rainbow Serpent is gorgeous and I LOVE both Maunbarra and Droving Cattle. Thanks for the little trip to the Art Gallery!

  5. I love art galleries but the last one we visited in Amsterdam had so many people that it was hard to see anything!!! Keep well Diane

  6. What a wonderful post, Grace. I like the art too and love to sit and think about it.

  7. What a nice tour, Grace! I haven't been to our art gallery in a while - must get there soon for an art fix!

  8. The Warrior work is brilliant. Making clothes from flour bags is hard to imagine now when you can clothe yourself for $10.

  9. The Australian Aboriginal art is quite different from that of our Native and First Peoples. I like the pieces you've shown here and know I'd enjoy this gallery.

  10. Beautiful captures of people really taking their time to enjoy art, Grace!
    And thanks for the input, too. Maybe I find stories to tell and draw pictures in the sand on the playground. Bro asked me to take care of the kids... a lot of pressure! (School holidays here)

  11. The discovery in the 1980s of Aboriginal paintings was for me a considerable aesthetic shock because of its uniqueness and the originality of its system of representations. Your photos show some very beautiful pieces. Thank you

  12. There's always something interesting happening at the Art Gallery Grace.

  13. I like aboriginal artwork, there are some lovely pieces in the National Gallery which is where I first became hooked on them. I also think your photos of the gallery are lovely, captures the essence of the place so well.

  14. I would have loved to have visited that museum. Australia has such a range of art styles.


  15. Wonderful when art is displayed with sufficient space to view it properly. All you need then is the time to absorb it all.

  16. Yes, just my kind of place as well. I always find it so interesting to watch those that come and view and see their reactions, and often we'll share our own thoughts. Art is so like poetry we all have our own special thoughts on every piece.
