Thursday, March 26, 2015

The hot, the cool and the ugly!

We went to Kings Park yesterday, it was a perfect Perth afternoon and it's a lovely spot to enjoy a coffee, two sugars, a splash of milk and spectacular views s'il vous plaît  :) Walking down towards the State War Memorial the summer planting around the Eternal Flame is fabulous as always, flame Red Salvia (I think), remember the end of spring view below, cool Blue Salvia (I think) All good so far, and then...

... of course I had to spoil the ambiance by looking out over the city to see how my least anticipated of all the building projects going on around Perth is progressing. Elizabeth Quay.. what can I say, still trying to keep an open mind but after all this time it still looks like a bloody disaster! You never know, before I retire from PDP I might be able to show you the finished view from Kings Park :) Happy Thursday, take care and stay safe...


  1. Incredible views. I might even give up my morning coffee to stroll about a day as beautiful as that! Just breathing in all the glory of it! Enjoy it all.

  2. Terrific captures of a beautiful city, Grace!! I not only love the gorgeous, colorful flowers, but a great view of the city!! I would love to visit there!! Hope your week is going well!! Thanks as always for sharing your beautiful world!!

  3. You get out and about so much, Grace! I can't decide whether I like the red or the blue Salvia best.

  4. Lovely flashy flowers !

  5. The flowers are spectacular. That's the trouble with all modern cities - they're never finished.

  6. dat is nog eens een prachtig monument met z,on grote laan.

  7. Those first two photos are stunning. All those gorgeous flowers. The third photo has a bit of scar on it I see. Hopefully it won't look so bleak when it's completed.

  8. I love your Australian summer :)

  9. Lovely views, and even your 'ugly' it's not so bad after all...

  10. Stunning (first two) pics, Grace!
    Yes. I was quite shocked by the third view, too. We also went down there, oh, my. Saw it from the river side as well... oh, my. I had the feeling I take some last pics from the river, next time... who knows?
    Do you really need a mini-Sydney-harbour? I´m an old fart, when it comes to this ;-)

    Maybe I´m all ohhh-ahhh, when it´s ready to see...

    Ohhh, ahhh. btw... Could you please send me both pics from your post "Through the looking glass at sunset.." in the original? I can´t get them big enough for a good print. Do you still have my gmx-e-mai-address?

  11. What a perfect alignment. The red salvia are so vibrant.

  12. Simply beautiful. Er... retiring from PDP? Mmmm? You're joking of course, right?

  13. What a beautiful place...beautiful view!

  14. Elizabeth Quay is indeed a blight.

    The memorial has a great dignity to it.

  15. Always lovely when flowers punctuate the area!


  16. Il y a encore beaucoup de fleurs alors que l'automne commence ! C'est joli.

  17. Beautiful colours, also I like the view of the city. No retiring yet please!

  18. Very pretty colors Grace and no, you cannot retire any time soon!

  19. SUCH a lovely place!

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  20. Beautiful photos Grace! I hear you about the big project. RIght now, it's still at ground level. Once it starts to grow, I wonder how people will feel about the view then.

  21. Truly stunning Grace. That red salvia jumps right out of the frame and that blue salvia is delightful. You live in a beautiful city.

  22. Wow, Grace, such a beautiful park ! Stunning images !

  23. The mass of vibrant red with the green grass and azure water is a real treat. The Quay probably looks at it's worst at the moment... but one thing is for sure, it's going to impede on views.

  24. Hi Grace, you can't retire, I've only just found you! The blue and red Salvias look lovely. Oh dear I don't know what to say about the view, soak up as much of it as you can and hope it won't be too bad x

  25. Impressive floral displays! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  26. Those flowers have brillant colours. Yes, those expanding city guys well beat them :)

  27. The park looks beautiful.

  28. The salvias are gorgeous but I have to agree Elizabeth Quay - at least now - is not.

  29. Those flowers look gorgeous. We'll have to wait and see if Elizabeth Quay will be a success...

  30. If these are ugly, I'll take them, especially today.

  31. Wonderful park photos, Grace. Urban development, especially on a shoreline, brings some problems. Just hope this project works out better then you think it will, but there will be crowded streets, no parking, long shadows, and elimination of affordable housing and services along with other potential problems. I've enjoyed your posts on this project and look forward to being kept up to date.

  32. Your skyline has some pretty tall buildings.

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