Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Ten doors down..

Walking along St Georges Terrace last week I had the thought that perhaps you might like to see some of the many beautiful doors, both old and new, along the terrace. The thought only occurred to me when we were half way down the terrace so there may be one or two sequel door posts :) Obviously my favourite are the doors with Art Deco details like above and below.. which do you prefer old.. or super modern as in pics number three and five below. We are in for more storms today, this might be the day I catch my new winter header shot! Happy Wednesday, take care and stay safe..


  1. The third and seventh shots are my favourites of the set.

  2. Beautiful old architecture never grows old and is always more beautiful than modern plain looking. I pick the old.

  3. I pick the old doors even though I am a fan of modern architecture!

  4. I love this stroll down the street to admire the variety of doors. I think my favorite is the second one with the gorgeous balcony over the door.

  5. Keep flowing with your instinct and inspiration, G! Love rambling with you always. We had thunderstorms last night on Oahu!

  6. Love the door with "Technical School" above it - mainly because I can't think of a less appropriate style of lettering for the name of the building!

  7. ...and classy doors they are!

  8. What a great and beautiful series of doors. Door #7 is my favorite.

  9. Hard to choose. Love all of them.

  10. I like 3 and 6 best, but they all have there beauty.
    Coffee is on

  11. What a gorgeous assortment of doors! They're all pretty wonderful.

  12. Oh, Grace, I´m sorry, I just cannot decide! :-)

  13. Well I am always in favour or old but on inspecting these doors I am on this occasion going to go for modern number 3 because it looks like it leads to an exciting place.

  14. It's really interesting to see them. With tall glass doors / frontages I always come over a bit housewifely and however beautiful they are get distracted by the thought of the effort involved in keeping them glossy and clean.

  15. Uma bela "colecção" de portas, gostei de ver e aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  16. Beautiful building, I like those red doors with decoration!

  17. The difference in time is clear. Old times as closed as possible. Modern times as open as possible. Wonder what comes next.

  18. I love the old doors and have a huge collection of photos of pretty doors and windows taken mostly in Europe.

  19. Love this post, I am always fascinated by doors. Enjoy the rest of the week, Diane

  20. I really like the Technical School, the writing and the door!

  21. Wow, these are all creative and stunning and the lettering of the school is my favorite. Like I've said your winters are just what I am longing for these days.
