Thursday, October 24, 2013

Heading out.....!

I sometimes wonder if Parisians go about their daily life not noticing glimpses of Le Tour Eiffel in unexpected places or if walking through the Tuileries Garden is just a means of getting from A to B.. I can't imagine! I do know that I never take for granted living five minutes away from one of the most beautiful beaches you could find anywhere..especially as it was yesterday,  a perfect spring day! To make it even more perfect, rain is predicted for tomorrow :) Happy Thursday, take care.....


  1. You do indeed live in such a beautiful place and what a gorgeous beach it is!! Both Seattle and Portland are beautiful -- I do love Seattle because of it being near the coast and with wonderful beaches, but Portland has it's own beauty that I enjoy every day! We're both blessed to live in such lovely places!! Hope your week is going well!, Grace! Enjoy!!

  2. Wow! I know exactly what you mean, Grace. Taking photographs, like painting, helps us to notice and appreciate what is around us. I am so glad you live by the you can show me your beaches from time to time. I live right in the middle of England. Long haul to the seaside :). Beautiful shots. Keep them coming. (It was announced in January that RR workforce was to be halved and plant closed in 3 years. What will actually happen is anyone's guess.)

  3. We get such similar shots, and thoughts sometimes :-)

    Aloha, Mon Ami

  4. We should probably all appreciate what we have more than we do. That is a spectacular beach you have, Grace! ;-)

  5. A good reminder to appreciate what we have all the more! Wish I'd appreciated the beauty of Hawaii and the amazingness of NYC more when I lived there. These pictures are gorgeous! Wish I were there:)

  6. You are very lucky to have such a beatiful beach so close, enjoy it.

  7. That's what I call blue water.


  8. It is gorgeous and I like the fact that it's not jammed up with people!

  9. I suppose sometimes we don't notice la Tour Eiffel. I see it every day but I'd much, much rather see this!

  10. Beautiful pics of a beautiful beach Grace, thank you - yes, gratitude for the beauty around us is so very important, and makes life worthwhile methinks! The words of a song come to mind: "be content with simple things, make the most of what life brings, be content to smile and say, isn't this a lovely day" ... there's more, but you probably know it anyway.
    Have a lovely day Grace, Joy x

  11. Beautiful calm ocean. Almost looks like here today. Calm sea and clear sky. We finally have some nice spring-like fall weather too. The time I like best here is the months from late October until April when the temperature and humidity are cool and no storms. Winter in Florida though can be boring for those of us who like cold and snow.

  12. Rassure toi je m'émerveille toujours autant de la Seine de l'île de la cité de la Tour Eiffel et du jardin du Luxembourg, mais je rêve aussi d'avoir une plage comme celle ci et une mer aussi bleue à proximité. Cette image est merveilleuse

  13. I think it looks like heaven on earth. You are one lucky woman, Grace.

  14. Gosh, Grace, that water could not be any blue-er.

  15. The Indian Ocean is so incredibly beautiful!

  16. Your first pic shows how people are small in face of the ocean.. What a wonderful light !

  17. Lovely pics of one of the wonderful beaches of Perth. For me, when I cross the Canning River, I love to look out and watch the boats, sailors, always brings a smile to my face. We are lucky to have such beauty in Perth.

  18. oui rassure toi les parisiens aiment leur patrimoine, certains lèvent encore la tête pour regarder une belle architecture et d'autre n'auront jamais l'oeil averti.
    J'avoue que j'aimerai bien partager quelques balades avec toi sur cette magnifique plage! superbe photo.
    Very nice!
    j'adore ton blog on y voit des photos magnifiques, c'est un vrai plaisir!
    Quelle profondeur les prises de vue sont sublimes!!!
    Merci de tes visites sur mon blog.
    Bonne fin de semaine à toi, Cath

  19. Interesting question, I like your ideas! :)
    You live in such a splendid city with beauty in everywhere!Lucky girl!
    I love your pictures, the blue water is so intense!Glorious day there, thanks for sharing these pictures!

  20. What the blue water, looking in your photos!!
    Such fantastic views!

  21. Is the sea really so blue? Beautiful!

  22. Wow, that water is a gorgeous color!

  23. Eh bien pour répondre à ta question, quand je travaille, je ne fais pas trop attention à la ville autour de moi mais quand je suis au chômage, je la regarde et la savoure de près. :)

    Belles plages !

  24. Wow - what amazing blues!

  25. I don't know about others, but when I drive around Vegas I am always looking down at the tall colorful buildings on the Strip and appreciating them.

  26. I´m so with you, Grace! Every time I see our Henry (The Lion) I am so thankful I can live in Braunschweig. That we live that near to the city, we can walk. I don´t take it for granted at all. Only thing I miss: The sea...
