Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Time to re-boot..

I am very much missing the trip over to see our Sydney family this year, it's been nearly eight months since we saw our grandchildren. I usually take a two week break when we go over and have missed that break, feeling a bit jaded.. plus I have developed some bad habits lately 😉 Too many late nights, not enough sleep, not enough exercise, too much social media.. you get the picture :) I believe there are many walking trails around Perth that we haven't explored yet, I'm going to take some time to find them and will share with you when I return in two weeks. Like so many others my brain is on overload with all that is going on in the world right now.. apart from a re-boot I need a detox also :) Take care while I'm away, à bientôt 💙


  1. I think most of us need to reboot. We don't have family that we really need to visit, but having cancelled our holiday Nigel in particular needs to get away. Sadly it is not going to happen for a while yet but you take care. A bientot and stay safe. Diane

  2. Enjoy your break, Grace! Stay safe!

  3. Gosh I will miss you, G. Restore and relax. It could be worse. You could be in America! Count your blessings <3

  4. Have a good break, your cheerful posts and colourful pictures will be missed.
    Take care.

  5. Good to see you Grace. Take a break and explore the trails.

    Then when you detox you can set up and at least visit via Zoom.

  6. Enjoy the break Grace..you deserve it..

  7. Enjoy, take care and stay safe!

  8. Fine reflection. There are two of you to double our pleasure. Enjoy finding new walking trails.

  9. It's good you are still able to get out and about there, how is the rate of infection in Perth anyway? Stay safe aye

  10. Hi, Grace...This is Genie, the napkin lady. I am finally returning to the Buttons for Baga blog after about 4 years. That is quite the break but one that was unavoidable. Sounds like the pandemic is taking its toll on you as it is on all of us. I have not seen any of my children or grandchildren sine it began. I look forward to your posts in the weeks to come. You always shared such special shots. Hugs to you this Monday.

  11. Dearest Grace,
    Yes, that overload of negativity, while being deprived the joy and togetherness of family and friends is weighing us down heavily.
    You go and find out about those walking trails and take your time to re-boot! I too have been very tired, took an afternoon nap of over two hours. Have to say that I woke up early at 4:19 AM and stayed up about one and a half hour. Not good but the mind is kind of wandering off...

  12. I hope your batteries return with a full charge.

  13. Yes, Grace, I haven´t seen my family, either since ages, it hurts.
    The whole world has gone crazy.
    We go back to normal, slowly, is that a good thing, I have no idea. To a break, come back well, with pics and full power, OK? xoxo

  14. I know how you feel. I haven't been able to go to Melbourne or Sydney to see my daughters and grands.Too much eating and too much sitting in front of computer. It sure is a depressing time.

  15. I join Bieb, have a good time.

  16. Just yesterday I thought about how tired I'm feeling and how I'm overdue for a holiday. Enjoy your break away from social media Grace and hope to soon see all the beautiful sights of Perth that you have discovered :)

  17. I find it really sad to be parted from family members. Let's hope all this begins to heal soon. Take care and have a good break.

  18. Take care of yourself and stay healthy!!

  19. Be better and well. Today's condition is hard on all of us.

  20. I agree that everything going on in the world is hard to swallow and makes all of us feel helpless. I find that our little blogging group of like minded friends gives me some comfort. Stay safe and enjoy the time away.

  21. Have a good time, and take care of yourself, Grace !

  22. Hi Grace, Nice to see that you are still very active!
    I'm reflecting the year 2000 when I came to think about this online community which I was very active in.
    previously SingaporeDailyPhoto - Zannnie

  23. So True - Spoken Like A Truly Wonderful Grandmother - One Of Your Better Photos For Sure


  24. Take care and stay safe Grace. Brighter days are just around the corner.

  25. Enjoy!

    Detox! Yes, Virus detox we need! ;)
    God, give us back the lost time...

  26. Take care and don't walk too far!!

  27. Totally understandable. Hope you enjoy yourself on your break. The world situation is getting to all of us.

  28. Il faut savoir arrêter les réseaux sociaux de temps en temps, c'est ce que j'ai fait pendant 3 mois et cela fait du bien. je souhaite que tu ai récupéré une bonne santé et que tu peux dormir correctement tes nuits. La pandémie à ce jour n'est pas stoppée et cela sur aucun continent, donc on voyage moins ou pas du tout. On a tous hâte qu'un vaccin soit enfin trouvé, hélas on en est pas encore là. Prends soin de toi, à bientôt.

  29. Thanks for the heads up, then we won't worry where did she go? I feel pretty much like you, and 8 months is hard I have now a year for my grand-daughter in Alabama and at least the 5 living close to me, we've been together, but not as many adventures as we would. Take good care of you, and I'm excited to hear and see all that you've collected while you are away.

  30. I am so sorry you are missing your family right now... enjoy your trail hunting!

  31. I feel so sorry that you are missing family right now. I also miss my brother who is in California, He should have been home this September but hello comes Covid ughhh and now there's a forest fire near them. Wish you all the best dear Grace!

  32. I hope you enjoy your break Grace. Like you I feel a bit jaded, and have developed similar bad habits, including eating too much!

  33. Eine Pause ist gut und die Familie ist wichtig vor allen die Enkel werden viel zu schnell groß finde ich. Wünsche alles Gute und bleib gesund.
    Schönes Bild.


  34. Hello Grace,
    A very nice picture. Funny with the reflection of yourself.
    Have a good time!!

    Greetings, Marco

  35. That is such a great photograph.
    Enjoy your break, have a brilliant time.

    All the best Jan
