Saturday, May 4, 2019

PDP goes country ll.. Stumpy's Roadhouse.

I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains
Of ragged mountain ranges
Of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror –
The wide brown land for me!

Why is it when I see vistas like this the words of  Dorothea Mackellar's 'My Country' come to mind.  We stopped at the town lookout point before arriving in Brookton, can you see Brookton there on the horizon.. you have to look reeeeally hard :)

We arrived around 12.30 absolutely starving and in desperate need of coffee. Thinking Brookton was the bigger town of the two, yesterday's post, and only half an hour apart, we had held off on lunch. There are three types of country towns in Australia, the bigger have a main street lined with shops, cafes and a pub or two on each side of the street, others have a main street with businesses on one side and usually the railway on the other, then there are the type that if you blink you miss altogether. Brookton was the second kind. We could tell by the cars parked that possibly the only place to have a substantial lunch was Stumpy's Roadhouse. Whether it was because we were starving or not, that was the best darn egg, bacon and salad roll that I've had in a long time 😉 Where to explore next! Happy weekend, take care and stay safe.. P.s. Sadly the pubs were closed!


  1. These type of unassuming places are usually the best.

  2. ...the type that if you blink you miss altogether, here it's called a with spot in the road!

  3. the landscape seems very dry, and it has to be very hot again. I really like your description of the cities and the distinctions you make which are for me very exotic. Have a good weekend

  4. Those top three photos, especially with the Eucalyptus, could be Rhodesia waiting for the rains. Probably not Zimbabwe as thee are few farmers left! Beautiful photos all. Happy weekend Diane

  5. You really were out in the country, weren't you? I'm glad there was a place to eat in that little town. I have to say, it looks just like something I might see in a movie.

  6. Good old Stumpy! Loved this G

  7. A lovely place and fine food too. Happy day, Grace.

  8. I enjoy your excursions, Grace. Glad you take us along.

  9. Ohh, it looks like you are venturing a little bit too far from town for my liking. I thought your lunch was going to be the opposite and you wished you had stayed in Beverley.

  10. Looks like a great trip, despite the near starvation. We're headed off on holiday ourselves soon.

  11. Oh, Grace, the last sentence made me laugh big. Ingo´s look was priceless, too!
    Hmmm. And I´m hungry now, too.

  12. What's the population of there? There is no one there in the photos.

  13. What beautiful landscape shots ... makes me want to hit the road. The trouble is a truck hit our caravan this week so might be a while before we can do that.
