Sunday, October 23, 2016

Well that's a first!

 Is this something you see often in your city or town? This was a first for me. On my many trips into the city I've never come across religious placard carrying before.. it was a Sunday so that might explain it :) There was no argy-bargy, no forcing his opinion, he didn't try to converse, just strolled around quietly with his sign.. personally I prefer to have my camera in my hand but each to their own right :) Happy Sunday, take care and stay safe..



  1. I've never seen one like this either but I've seen plenty of the ones that stand on a corner and scream nonsense at you.

  2. The fact that he's not yelling helps. I've seen the yelling sort, and it doesn't convert anyone.

  3. I think it's good he didn't force his opinion on people. Well, maybe his sign did, but it's a free world :)

  4. Monday to Friday I see two ladies at the same bus stops. They have religious pamphlets but they do not force them on anyone. It pays to advertise I guess.

  5. We see that quite often here. At least he's not yelling at people passing by. When I was in Los Angeles this past summer with my grandkids, there was a whole group of people carrying these types of signs and shouting at us as we walked by. It was quite disconcerting.

  6. I've seen people here handing out pamphlets but not with a sign like that.

  7. Ah, but YOU, Grace, caught the moment and shared it with the world. :-)

  8. Doubtless he has a right to do such a thing, but he's not too bright if he thinks his sign will change minds. Things like this usually just make people mad because it's disruptive to life, and is condescending to the extent it implies he knows something the rest of us don't and for that we'll burn forever in hell. Aargh. Tell him to go home and march up and down his basement steps carrying the sign. Maybe he can convert the rats.

  9. What a great man!
    Jesus is doing great things in Aussiland these days, I hear lots from Sydney and no doubt the open minded will find he does great things in Perth also.
    This sign is now seen in every continent and will speak to many.

  10. Perhaps this man wants to stir the sub-conscious. I have not seen such signs wandering around the city, but then, I don't go into Melbourne more than about 3 times a year. I do remember a man in Sydney, when I was young, writing the word 'eternity' in chalk on the footpath. He became quite famous.

  11. While he may not be making a nuisance of himself, he is still pushing his religion at people.

  12. Only seen these placards in photo's / pictures such as yours here

    ALl the best Jan

  13. Truth to tell, it does make one wonder. . . .

  14. Happy to report no such sighting in my area, although there's been a lot of religious Americans walking around bothering people in Handen this year.

  15. Sometimes you see those fanatics in the street here. The worst is as they come on your door with their talks.

  16. It seems that you're the only person who has noticed him anyway.

  17. There is one older man yelling every Saturday in the city.
    And there is an Islamic stand giving the Qur'an for free.
    And always some with religious flyers...

  18. When we moved to Fairbanks back in 1995, the first day there, I saw a man walking down the street carrying this huge wooden cross. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera out at the moment but I never forgot the image.

  19. I don't think that this is commonplace in most of our cities, but it is not totally absent in larger cities. It is always interesting to me that some people have a need to advertise their faith preferences. I personally do not appreciate the gesture.

  20. We used to have a man with a sign who stood at the beginning of the motorway or other busy roads. The message was that Jesus was coming soon. Must be 20-30 years ago, so I guess the man has retired now :)

  21. Downtown Minneapolis sees a lot of this sort of thing, in so many different religions and etc. And yesterday a girl-friend of mine and I had lunch after a movie and our shopping adventure there turned into a group of protesters from Black Lives Matter who walked there from the Edina City hall all over something that happened between one individual and one officer last week. So yeah it seems to be the norm more and more lately.

  22. Religious zealots aren't at all common in public areas of Naples, and are pretty rare in New England. But, at a major intersection in West Hartford center, a bunch of folks often stand with signs against wars, and against nuclear weapons, and against a few other things. I never take their pictures because I don't want to encourage them.

  23. Good for him! Pushy never works!
