Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Duyfken II.. A stiff south-westerly!

You might remember that having missed the arrival of the Duyfken sailing into Hillarys Boat Harbour I was determined to catch it sailing out. Alas it was not to be, the weather on departure day was particularly uncooperative, the Dutch flag flying straight out in the stiff south-westerly gale force breeze!

  Below you can see (if you pull the image in a bit) the winged-hat god Mercury.. port-side for fortune at war.. starboard side for fortune in trading, and the figure-head representing the symbol of Amsterdam, the 'rampant lion'. If you are interested in the building of the replica this is a good link..

The estimated time of departure was around midday, put back to somewhere between 2 - 4pm. To be sure not to miss anything myself and a few hearty stalwarts :) huddled out of the gale force wind behind the lighthouse wall at the entrance to the harbour.. to cut a long story short we were still huddled there after 5pm when we heard that the Duyfken would not leave harbour until 5am the next morning, which it did.. so I missed it :) The water looked ominously dark and foreboding as we left, I could see their point in postponing! Have a good Wednesday, take care and stay safe...
Shared with Tuesday's Treasures..


  1. These replicas are works of art, but probably no more seaworthy than the originals and I would not want to be on the water in gale force winds aboard the original or replica. They were smart to wait for better weather. Gorgeous photos of this gorgeous ship!

  2. It's beautiful coming and going!

  3. You will talk years from now about the afternoon that you waited for the ship to leave. I hope you weren't frozen, Grace!

  4. My Dutch heart is beating seeing this beauty so far from home. Crossing the oceans must have been quite a travel!

  5. Hi Grace! You might have missed the departure, but you still got some great photos. I especially love the last one. I can only imagine the courage it took to sail the oceans in the old days.

  6. You did all you could, sorry to hear you missed it. Your photos are fabulous though! :)

  7. Really good string of fotos there.
    Good pictures of the ship and a wonderful last shot over the sea!
    Well done!

  8. Love those old sailing ships. Not so much fun at sea with what is heading my way though. Hopefully be back after the weekend.

  9. Reminds me of how I waited hours in Hill Street taking turns with a woman who wore an "Adrenaline Junkie"-t-shirt just to see Royal de Luxe made the Diver seated to turn the corner, gahhh.
    But a great ship anyways, Grace, beautiful with the the dark sea.

  10. Que maravilha estas fotografias da caravela.
    Continuação de uma boa semana.

  11. It's always such a treat to see the Tall Ships.

  12. Even though you didn't see it sail you still managed to get some beautiful photos Grace.

  13. Beautiful...but I wouldn't want to be on board in gale-force winds!
