Monday, October 24, 2016

Tango in the old town hall...

Only kidding! There's no way with my knee I could even contemplate the tango for at least another six months and even then it's pretty unlikely :) We were there for another reason, the quarterly Northern Exposure Photo Market in the Leederville Town Hall. Queuing below, the entry fee five dollars.. not bad for a right old rummage through some vintage and up-to-date photography gear..

Quiet on the outside...

A hive of activity on the inside! It was particularly busy yesterday, everyone looking to find that something special.. sad to say I didn't but it's always fun trying :) Hope you had/are having a super weekend, happy Monday, take care and stay safe.. P.s. is this the sort of event you would enjoy?


  1. Yes, I would love to go to a photo expo. Always fun to look at gear, but I seldom buy much. Sorry to hear about your knee problems. Did you have a knee replacement? If so, keep up the physical therapy. That's the secret to success.

  2. I like these kind of events, you never know what you come across..

  3. $5 seems a lot to me to find nothing...

  4. First of all, in this city, we wouldn't say "tango in the old town hall," we'd say "tangle in the old town hall." Things are often a mess.

    Secondly, I wish I could visit that photo expo. Not to buy anything. To get rid of boxes of photographic stuff that I'm not going to use again! I don't even know where some of this came from! LOL. I've even got a bunch of p&s's to sell.

  5. That event would be fun to attend, you might find that item you were always looking for or you might not.

  6. The building's architecture certainly appeals to me!

  7. I probably don't know enough to know what I was looking at a show like that, Grace!

  8. I guess we will not see you in the USA on Dancing With the Stars.

    Hope your knee gets better.

    The photographic event looks like a great place to visit. Then I have way too much already.

  9. Oh I'm sure I'd find it very interesting! Look like a lot of stuff and a great turn out of people too!

  10. Would fit right into historic Honolulu my Pacific sister!

  11. I would enjoy it! I'm having knee problems too Grace. After two falls in the last month, I am hobbling around with my cane again!

  12. I'm sure there must be events like this near me, but somehow I never hear or read about them.

  13. It absolutely is. I've got my eye on that softbox.

    Perth and Buenos Aires are a long way apart.

  14. Take a Motrin and start dancing, girl!

  15. Yes, I would enjoy it! You never know what little gems you might find.

  16. Quite a busy camera market. I would probably be inside selling old stuff I have at home!

  17. O tango uma dança muito especial.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

  18. My husband is a frequently visitor at these events, but I never go with him, he is talking for ages with everyone and I don't have the patience for that....:)

  19. bummer you didn't find anything but that blue sky is amazing!

  20. Oh, Tango, or any other dance... so healthy, also for the brain, yet... "I can´t dance".
    Still fighting with your knee, Grace, sorry to hear!
    Nah, I wouldn´t buy a used cam. You never know how it was treated...

  21. Shame you didn't find anything, but it looks a great event.

    Keep taking care of your knee.

    All the best Jan

  22. What a pleasure to be able to attend this event.
