Thursday, December 29, 2011

Jumping for joy.....

Last few shots taken while having lunch at the Matilda Bay Cafe, these youngsters were having such excellent fun running along the length of the jetty and flinging themselves off the end with careless abandon. It did bring back memories, because even though I grew up in the middle of Africa, with no ocean for thousands of miles, just sixteen miles out of town there was the Mindola Dam reservoir, where as kids we would picnic and have exactly the same kind of fun as above. Ah! life was so simple back then...haha!!  39C in Perth today, so my simple pleasure will be floating in the pool, even though I'm sure I'd rather be trudging around in snow somewhere cool.....! Anyone care to swop?


  1. I love the framing of the first shot, with her jumping into the water with seemingly reckless abandon by the boat called "reckless"!
    39 is a bit too hot, but we have finally had our first snow and it is -19 with windchill. care to swop?

  2. That looks like such great fun and I can remember days like that when I was young. I can so! Yes, I can! In fact, if I were there and it was that hot, I'd probably join them. If I didn't fall down before I reached the end of the pier!

    These are wonderful action shots!

  3. Hi your question on The Villages DP: Yes, that is a catfish, and just behind Mama Turtle is a baby turtle. There are also alligators lurking in these waters.

  4. Ah, Grace! You did make my afternoon with these! How fun! Reminds me of when my kids were young and we'd go down to a swimming area on the Missouri River in the summer! So much laughter and giggles and showing off how daring they were! Great memories! Thank you! Hope your week is going well!


  5. allez 1,2,3 et hop je saute aussi ;o))

  6. 39! 5 or 6 here, and that's unseasonably warm. I'd be tempted to leap into the water, too, but when it gets that hot here (and it sure does), I'm more likely to go from air conditioned home to car to office and stay off the surface of the planet.

  7. I love the whole series. I guess you're all welcoming SUMMER? Hard to believe. :)

  8. Well Grace, it is -10˚C here with a wind chill of -18˚C at only 8 pm so I don't think you would like to be here now. It looks like such fun to throw yourself into that water!

  9. Good shots, Grace. It would have been fun to watch these kids being kids.

  10. Ah, fabulous. Could be down there today also just for a quick cool off!

  11. Lovely photos, isn´t it wonderful to be so careless? I love the fact that just behind them is a boat called "Reckless", just so fitting with the picture!

  12. Our lakes around Eagan are mostly frozen now - no jumps for joy into them!

  13. That looks like loads of fun! But what is this about you growing up in Africa? WOW :D

  14. I'll swap three of your killer hot days now, for three of our killer hot days forecast for NYE.

  15. Reminds me that we all need to let our inner child out and have some fun!

  16. yes a magical walk through snow! you & me-

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  17. The third shot looks like she's walking on water! Nice captures!

  18. 3 degrees C, cold wind, cloudy, rain later. Any good?

  19. Despite the fact that I am now craving a good jump into water, I won't swap, 39° is too hot for me! Plus, no snow here... :-)

  20. Not something you would do here right now, unless you celebrated too much, far too much.

  21. No snow here, just dreichness, but I will swap, oh yes I will swap!!!

  22. Oh what fun. They do look they are having such a good time.

  23. un plaisir ..voir eau et chaleur..bonne année..

  24. I just love photos that show movement and these sure do. What fun these kids are having.

  25. Great HaPPy documentary shots!

    Wish I was there now.

    (The new storm has just arrived...)

  26. Wonderful expressions of joy!

  27. What great fun and great set of photos Grace - my hands are numb as I type- we had a mild Xmas but just cold and wet now- no-one would want that!

  28. Swap! Are you kidding? I'd do it in a minute...travelled a good deal but missed Australia and New Zealand. Love the images of abandoned fun!

    Catching up...too tired to blog while on our drive with our dog which is taking longer than planned! We're almost in Santa Fe...)

  29. It's fun to see how the kids have fun!

  30. I'd offer a swap but I've got no snow to offer! We may actually go on record as the least snowy December ever here - strange, strange weather...

  31. Si tu recherches de la fraîcheur, Gracie, tu peux venir ici. Les enfants ne sauteront pas dans la mer, mais tu verras que les jeux sont partout les mêmes.
    Nous sommes tous frères, Gracie!

  32. Looks like those youngsters are having a fantastic time.

  33. the joy is so infectious and you have captured the ambiance so well Grace!

  34. I'd like to do this... next summer!

  35. what a nice age...happy children!
    so warm there at present... funny world.. It was snowing today at the place were I was...
    Happy New Year to you and your family Grace, and see you in the new Year... ciao

  36. There is of the enjoyment in these dives

  37. Hey c'mon over I'll switch with ya in a heartbeat! lol It's been snowing for the last 48 hours here, so I guess winter's here for real this time.

    There's nothing like the sight of kids having fun to bring a smile to one's face :)

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