Thursday, June 2, 2011

An Apple a day.....

I went into the city on Sunday with my daughter and a good friend to have a wander with our cameras, drink some coffee and maybe check out a bookshop or two...well isn't that what you do on a Sunday!! Not so it seems, half of Perth was in the Apple Store checking out the latest gadgets. I haven't seen so many people crammed into one small space like that , even spilling out onto the street in front, well at least not since I walked past The Moon and Sixpence pub further down the road !! Just walking past the shop my brain went waaaaah! too many electronic vibes coming out of there for a technophobe to assimilate!!


  1. It looks just like the Apple store here and, well, everywhere else. But, being a Mac guy, I like what they do for me there.

  2. Hi Grace, can finally post again! I have been to this store several times....always busy and lots going on. Am also a Mac fan.

  3. My wife and I were in an Apple store this past weekend too, but we didn't buy anything yet. I'm trying to convince her to change to a Mac.

  4. Oh ok, looks like so far I'm the only technophobe, surely there must be others out there?

  5. :-)
    I never visit the parisian "Apple Store".
    I need it ! I'm addict to my Iphone...
    Have a nice day far away from this store...


  6. Did I read somewhere that the iPad2 has just been launched? Maybe that's why it's extra busy.

    My Dell laptop is about to die, it keeps warning me. It's so tempting to go Mac next time (apparently one's photos automatically look 40% better on a Mac... sold!), but then there's all that software mullarkey to contend with...

  7. Hmmm! I wonder HOW it makes your photos look 40% better, that's intriguing!!If you find out Alan, let me know.

    Thanks Pierre, greetings from Perth.

  8. exactly the same as Waikiki!

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral




  9. Perth looks a most vibrant and exciting city to visit. I look forward to the results of your wanders. Thanks for your comment on my blog - and fascinating to hear your Dad was in the Black Watch. I just love these connections around the world!

  10. My life has been quite happily Apple free until now. I own a 'stupid' five-year-old cell phone, my Canon connects easily to any computer and I can still read a (paper) map. Why bother with more electronic?

  11. At last VP someone who agrees with me!!

  12. Never been in one of them before. Not likely ever since none are built in the cornfields around where we live. Nice photography on your post.

  13. Maybe because the new iPhone came out? I actually have an android phone but I like playing on the iPad :D

  14. Not sure that's what they had in mind with the "apple a day" saying but your locals seem addicted.

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  15. Thanks Abe, wouldn't be surprised if an Apple Store DID appear in your cornfield, they seem to pop up everywhere!

    Think you are right Kaori, the iPad 2 or something!!

    Apparently the world is addicted Darryl and Ruth, not me thought!!

  16. It looks just like the Apple Store here where I worked for a while. Believe me, every day is like that. Great products, great company, great customer service = happy customers! :)

  17. I'm going through the process of deciding to switch from PC to Mac what do you think?

  18. I would love to help you with that Mo, but I'm really not so clued up on computers, best bet would be to ask someone like Randy above, I think he might be more computer literate than me.
