Sunday, August 7, 2011

That 'certain something'.....!

Normally I would say 'while having coffee and cake I saw.....!!' but as I am once again on the eternal quest to lose that incredibly stubborn five kilos that once gone will magically change my whole life.....I'm sure you know I'm totally NOT serious about the 'whole life changing thing' but I would like to drop a couple of kilos, so......while I was having coffee, minus the cake with a friend yesterday, I spotted this very poised and elegant looking lady and couldn't resist taking a quick snap, she has a little smile on her face and I'm wondering if she knew I was taking the photo.  So my guess is that she may be Italian, she looks very stylish and European, what do you think....Italian, Spanish.....?? I'm  off on an adventure today to try and get some pictures of the Avon Descent, a two day annual white water boat race, wish me luck and have a great day.....!!


  1. I think that she must have a good secret!

  2. A Mona Lisa smile... good candid shot!

  3. A beautiful profile of a lovely lady! You captured her moment very well! Enjoy your day out!

  4. Don't you wonder what is going through her mind? She appears to have a secret!

  5. Ah, yes, one of those nonchalant surreptitious secret shots . . . Nice.

  6. She is lovely. I hope you enjoy your outing.

  7. She is looking straight ahead. I don't think she notices you. Yes, Spanish would be my first guess, or some flavor of Latin American. She could be sitting in a cafe in Buenos Aires.

  8. Yes, it's a great portrait. I like her, whoever she is.
    Good luck with the kilos; I know what you mean. They are stubborn indeed.
    Have fun at the races.

  9. An elegant lady indeed! She could be an actress.

  10. Hmmm looks like she has just buried her husband in the back garden......

  11. Nicely turned out... and I agree that she looks Italian... perhaps Argentinian at a stretch.

  12. She is certainly remembering something pleasant! Great shot Perth, hope you enjoy your trip and get plenty of action shots of the white water race.

  13. Now let's see..
    1. Acqualine nose, but not quite Roman.
    2. Olive complexion suggests Mediterranean or Equatorial.
    3. Pierced ears but no ear rings .. Likes jewelry but not ostentatious.
    4. Gold ring one of which is serpentine style .. suggests European.
    5. Tartan hat, natural wool Scarfe, stylishly worn .. Fashionable but conservative.
    6. Mona Lisa smile .. not worried about the European or American debt crisis .. Independently wealthy.
    Answer .. Prince Renier of Monaco's Neice.

  14. Wishing you luck with the shoot, luck with the shedding of extra kilos. I think adullamite's onto something.

  15. Lovely shot of the lady! I think she has a very good secret :D

    Good luck with the photo shoot! Hope you have fun :D

  16. Fantastic capture Grace and look forward to seeing your Avon Descent images. Have a wonderful week!

  17. By her dress, it surely looks like winter in your part of the world.

  18. Italian - definitely. I'd put $100 on it. Is that her lunch in a tupperware box she's holding?!

  19. She is a demure classic beauty... with a secret. I do not think that she just buried her husband in the posies - hah! (but a funny thought!)


  20. Hope you are having a grand time!

    I don't know what she is, but I suddenly had to sit up straight.

  21. She was just greeted by a totally stranger, who lifted as well his hat, just as in the books she read while visiting her grandmother.
    And there's a small present in her hands, a buiscuit, as honest and real tasteing as he smile. What a wonderful moment.

    daily athens

  22. Was she having an espresso? Probably Italian, we don't do the other funny coffee-things...

  23. LOL at Ciel's comment. Great portrait.

  24. i think she looks a bit like Toni Collette, but that's just me. haha!
    nice side view though. ^0^

  25. The 'quiddity' of daily life, eh?
    Observing moments-of-attitude like this isn't just about people-watching (or even people-speculating!), it's also about capturing timelessly repeated events in our daily life.
