Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Books and stories..

An outdoor library.. of course! There in the Pleasure Garden for all to enjoy. I took these around 5.10 and wished I could have hung around for the storytelling at 5.30, being a Fringe World activity I'm sure the stories would unfold with an 'imaginative' flair, especially the 8.30 adult tales :) I will get back and find out but as usual I had to be 'somewhere' pronto! Yesterday I was nowhere! Now and then the combination of late nights/early mornings catches up and the sleep deficit hits like a sledge-hammer, that was me yesterday.. 'stunned mullet' comes to mind :) Off to bed early last night, catch-up today.. here's to a happy Wednesday, take care and stay safe..


  1. That is the first time I have ever heard the term stunned mullet. Looking at that link, it fits!

    That's quite a setup!

  2. A great idea! I'm feeling a bit like a stunned mullet right now! ;-)

  3. The beauty of the good season!

  4. It's well seen that you live in a dry climate Grace! Are you a red mullet?

  5. Great idea....only really walks in warm, dry climes like yours Grace :-)

    Hope you get some shut-eye!

  6. I love the Lock in the Love installation, and what a great idea to have an outside library, it wouldn't work over here, the books would rot with midlew! x

  7. It's a good saying. Great idea with the outdoor library, would have been interesting to hear a few of the stories told.

  8. Perfect, a good book to read under the shelter of a tree..

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Looks like dreams I've had! Of course you'd be the one to get a picture-

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  11. What could be better than an outdoor library!

  12. I have never seen an outdoor library! And Miss Grace has been living too hard? So interesting . . .

  13. Wonderful idea of a garden library, but that would not work in any place I've lived. Too much rain, wind, snow and ice to damage precious books. I've hear the term "stunned mullet" before. Think it is most descriptive.

  14. Such confidence in the weather is admirable. It wouldn't happen here.

  15. Can't see that idea catching on in rainy old Britain!

  16. Wow, it looks fantastic!
    I would have enjoyed this, and I wish we could have had many sunny DAYS!
    So what are you reading at the moment?
    Happy Wednesday.!

  17. Wow an outdoor library. I must say Perth does come up with some great ideas. I could spend all day here.

  18. What a wonderful location, save me a place on a patch of grass and a good book Chinese lanterns too!

  19. Amazing, an outdoor library, that would never work in our country, always rain on the way.

  20. That is wonderful, we have similar to that, not library but book stalls (weather depending of course, here in UK) in Hay on Wye.

  21. Would love to visit an outdoor Library !
    Sleep well and have nice dreams my friend !

  22. I like this idea for an outdoor library!

  23. I really like the idea of an outdoor library. It wouldn't work here north of Toronto even for a day, I fear, as our summers tend to be muggy even if the sun is shining.

  24. I could spend a whole day (or two, or three) there. Provided I had a seat in the shade and with a portable A/C of course... That's fabulous!

  25. wow! I want desperately to have a cup of coffee there! Thanks for the wonderful view!

  26. I've not seen anything like this but I like it a lot. What happens if you get a sudden thundershower, though?

  27. The city centre is lively and fabulous again Grace! Love that outdoor library.
