Sunday, January 22, 2017

Religious diversity..

 Although not a church-goer myself, I am always delighted to discover a church that I haven't seen before. I especially love to see the diverse range of religions practiced and accommodated for here in Perth. While in Highgate a few days ago I came across St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church. Built in 1954/5 the bell tower below in 1974, it is the first Serbian Orthodox church in WA and as such has been placed on the State Heritage Register. The copper cupolas are very similar to those of the Greek Orthodox Church in West Perth that I showed you here.The church and gardens are beautifully looked after by it's congregation who were arriving as I took these shots. Happy Sunday, take care and stay safe...


  1. I always enjoy seeing the architectural style of orthodox churches. This one's a beauty!

  2. That's a beautiful church Grace and very pretty gardens. Have a lovely Sunday!

  3. The church is beautiful. Your colors are always so vivid!

  4. It's a gorgeous structure and very similar to the way churches are built in this area. Maybe some day you can get inside; Orthodox churches tend to be very ornate. Thanks for your comments, Grace.

  5. Very beautiful church. Looks like it could be right here in Florida in St. Augustine.

  6. A beautiful looking church, very pretty. A nice find Grace.

  7. It looks fabulous against that sky, Grace!

  8. That is a fine looking Orthodox church. They do have a distinctive look.

  9. Great places of profound spiritual importance.

  10. Up the road from me is an Orthodox church. A very pretty service but I have to say I didn't understand it.
    Coffee is on

  11. The copper is gleaming! Must be quit new . . . or someone has the unpleasant job of regularly shining it.

  12. Against that blue sky makes a wonderful photo Grace.

  13. I love finding this type of architecture. This building looks stunning against that gorgeous blue sky.

  14. St. Sava the Enlightener. There is plenty of nice light on this church of his.

  15. I always love seeing photos of churches!
