Saturday, July 30, 2011
Who needs a dishwasher.....!!
It's a seriously gloomy day here in Perth (it had to happen, it is winter after all) and for this reason I felt the need to post something bright and colourful.. This is my kitchen window ledge and these are some roses I cut just before I pruned the bushes for winter, so about a month ago! I wish I could remember the name of this rose, the tags disappeared ages ago (and my memory long before that!!), they have the most amazing smell which is why I like them just there, so that as I wash the dishes (am I the only person in the world who doesn't see the need for a dishwasher?) the perfume wafts up and makes everything seem just that little bit more special.....!! I hope the sun is shining and the birds singing in your part of the world, have a happy day.....!!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Calm waters.....!!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Crawley Edge Boathouse.....
Sometimes when you've lived in a city for so long you don't see things that are right under your nose. It was only when I stopped on Tuesday to take the picture of Eliza that I fully noticed the old boathouse, and yet it's one of the most photographed images in Perth. Just a little further up from The Royal Perth Yacht Club on the Swan River the bright blue with white trim boathouse sits at the end of it's own little pier, it was originally constructed in the early 1930's and refurbished in 2000's. It's the kind of image you can have lots of fun playing around with and I've seen many different perspectives and varying shades of blue, I decided to keep it fairly simple and went with the above.....!! Big storms in Perth today, hope the sun is shining in your part of the world.....
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
A while ago Rae (perthandotherplaces) posted a picture of Eliza, the Swan River statue of a lady poised to dive into the river and told of how she was regularly dressed by pranksters for 'special' occasions. Yesterday I drove my sister, who just happens to be named Eliza, to an appointment in the area and she mentioned that she had read in the paper that the statue might be 'dressed' for a special event that had recently taken place....As you can see, Eliza was triumphantly holding aloft a racing bicycle and wearing a winning yellow fantastic, and puzzling too, as it is a little way off shore and quite deep.....a rowboat perhaps.....!!
For anyone interested in scuba diving there's a great new blog I've discovered (billsdiving) showing off the many beautiful diving sites around Perth and beyond!
For anyone interested in scuba diving there's a great new blog I've discovered (billsdiving) showing off the many beautiful diving sites around Perth and beyond!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Light at the end of the tunnel.....!!
Since the tragic death of Princess Dianne in 1997 in the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel, I have a totally irrational fear of driving through tunnels, which added to my fear of heights, fear of small spaces, fear of deep water and believe it or not bike helmet phobia, make me a perfect candidate for a Woody Allen movie..! We only have one Freeway tunnel in Perth, the Graham Farmer Tunnel (Graham Farmer Tunnel) which links East and West Perth bypassing the central City area, it's a small tunnel by world standards being only 1.6km long. Here's the thing, mon amie Marie lives in Guildford, and to visit I tend to take a very much longer route to avoid using the Tunnel, which would cut my trip by at least twenty minutes, so in an attempt to cut my phobias by one, I have been through the tunnel, although as you've probably guessed as I took the picture, I wasn't driving. When asked when I might go it alone...any day now.....!!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Call of the wild.....!!
When I go to the Zoo, usually with Aimee or my friend (and sometimes mentor!) it's always a challenge to see if you can take a picture and somehow make it look as if it hasn't actually been taken at the Zoo. I think I've mentioned before that the big cats are my favorite, hasn't he got the most beautiful face, the fact that he could open his mouth and eat you is what do you think, could I have been on safari in the middle of Africa when I shot these. I actually lived in Central Africa for many years and unfortunately never got as close to the big cats as this, it would have been such a thrill to see them in their natural environment....and one of these days I am going to be brave enough to actually do an all black and white post.....!!
I'd like to say a HUGE congratulations to Cadel Evans for his incredible win in the Tour de France what an amazing achievement.....!!
I'd like to say a HUGE congratulations to Cadel Evans for his incredible win in the Tour de France what an amazing achievement.....!!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Very Jack the Ripper.....!!
I would love to take credit for the above pictures of an unusually foggy Friday night in Perth, but no can do! My daughter and a group of her friends went in to the city to listen to some Jazz, and like me, she usually has her camera to hand (thank goodness)....just in case!! Given that 'low level clouds' are not a usual occurrence in Perth I should imagine there were many camera buffs out there snapping away like mad!! I know I would have been..... if I hadn't been ensconced cozily by the fire watching a French movie, c'est la vie.....!!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Flower power.....!!..
Nothing cheers up a chilly day more than a beautiful bunch of flowers (oh ok! winning the lotto would be pretty fab too.... chance would be a fine thing!!). I hardly ever buy flowers in summer because they just don't last very long in the heat, but Autumn, Winter and Spring it's a different story! I usually take a trip to the local markets where they sell REAL bunches of flowers, not the ones you get from the florists that are full of fillers and very few blooms! The purple anemone, always roses, and splash of sunshine yellow ranunculus are among my favorites. Have a 'colourful' weekend.....!!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Walking the dog whatever.....!!
On the way to Fremantle yesterday I stopped at Mosman Beach to see just how many dog walkers would brave the blustery winter weather and was quite surprised by the turnout. It's school holidays here just now and it was good to see so many young people having fun with their dogs out in the fresh air even though it was a touch chilly, rather than sitting in front of a computer or T.V. screen......! Happy sky watch Friday.....
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Flame trees in Fremantle.....
These amazing Flame trees spilling over the hedge make a colourful natural border at The Fremantle Cemetery. This cemetery was established in 1899 and is home to some very well known Australians including Bush Ranger Moondyne Joe, engineer C.Y. O'Connor who created Fremantle Harbour.. Bon Scott the frontman for the still hugely popular rock band AC/DC was laid to rest here in 1980, his grave like that of Jim Morrison in Pere Lachaise draws many fans from all over the world and is now heritage listed, and then more recently, Heath Ledger was cremated here. The flame trees were such a burst of colour on what was a very grey, cold day.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Pull the other one.....!!
Living so close to the coast I've seen my fair share and more of seagulls standing on one leg and wondered what the possible reasons for this could be...nibbled by something nasty in the water, quite possibly... cut off by a boating mishap, conceivably... but after Googling (yeh I know.....!!) it would seem that perhaps not so many as observed may be of the single limb set!! Apparently at times it can be as simple as the bird drawing its leg up into its 'down feathers' to warm it up a bit on a chilly day, if only there was such a simple solution to the more complicated of life's problems. "Pull your leg up Mate, it's all good.....!!"
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Joey on board.....!!
I spent a very pleasant hour yesterday observing one of the 'mob's' of kangaroos that inhabit the grounds of Pinnaroo, they really are a delight to watch, the way they interact, the way they stand using their tails for balance and when they decide they're off, unless you're absolutely ready (which as you can see I was not!!) it's too late, they've gone! Every female I saw had a joey in her pouch. The birthing process for the joeys is very unusual, gestation period is 31 - 36 days when the forelimbs are somewhat developed enough to allow the newborn (the size of a lima bean) to climb up and into the pouch and attach to a teat, it stays in the pouch for nine months before starting to leave for short periods, I'd guess from the size of some of those pouches that could be any day now! I am definitely after a picture of a joeys head popping out of a pouch....!!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Blooming marvellous.....!!
Yesterday I finally got around to pruning the last of my roses, and as late as it is in the season, I was very happy to get one last vase of flowers from my favorite bush to cheer up the patio. Here's wishing you a 'bunch of blossoms' kind of Monday....!!.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
A tribute to Heath Ledger.....
Long before Heath Ledger's tragic death in 2008 (Heath Ledger) the idea and design plans for the State Theatre Centre of WA (State Theatre Centre) were taking shape. Construction began in 2007, and it was completed and officially opened on the 27th of January this year. Described as a 'contemporary and city based theatre for the people of WA' it is made up of the 575 seat Heath Ledger Theatre, Studio Underground a flexible performance space seating 200 + , The Courtyard a multipurpose outdoor events space, and rehearsal rooms. Heath Ledger best known for his roles in BrokeBack Mountain and as The Joker in The Dark Knight was probably Perth's most well known international actor. A few weeks ago I went and had lunch with my very talented and artistic niece Jessica who works in this amazing new theatre, unfortunately rehearsals were in full swing and actors can be 'temperamental' so entry into the actual theatre was not allowed. I had to content myself this time with the outside wall and the spectacular staircase leading up to the theatre, but I will return.....!!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Reflecting on Uni.....!!
I took this picture last Sunday when I was at the University of Western Australia (UWA) for the Art Show. It was a really chilly morning, there were no crisp blue skies that day, so this image relies totally on the colour of the University buildings for the warm reflections in the centre courtyard water feature. Happy weekend reflections.....
Friday, July 15, 2011
Winter Sun.....
I took these photos at 8.30 am yesterday morning, the temperature was 11C , there were a few hours to go before we reached the max of 22C, which considering we are in the middle of winter I'd say was a fairly respectable top temp and that we are pretty darn lucky! I know it's not usual practice to shoot directly into the sun, but I quite enjoy that 'burst' of energy in the sky! Once again the tricky question of black and white versus colour raised it's ugly head, and being a Libra I couldn't decide which one to go with (my daughter thinks I use the excuse of being a Libra way too much to cover for my indecisiveness! ) so as I like both equally, here they both are!! Happy sky watch Friday.....
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Who doesn't love a good bubble.....!!
Happy days are here again...not sure how many parents would agree (couple there who look like they might have lost touch with their 'inner child') but however they feel, school holidays started this week. I must be one of the weird ones (plenty would agree haha!) but I actually loved school hols, not having that daily routine of uniforms, school lunches etc., just seeing what the day would bring. There are always so many things organized for kids today and I caught this guy at a local shopping centre keeping a huge crowd delighted with the biggest, amazingly shaped bubbles, something so simple but you can see by their faces that they were enthralled.....!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Artists in residence.....!!
This is one of those impromptu shots that you quickly take in passing and are really happy with the 'look' of. Winthrop Hall at the University of Western Australia makes the perfect studio to create in, the light coming in those big windows even in winter is perfect, the views going out to the gardens are inspiring, the size and space energizing, and on Sunday it was being used by a group of artists sketching a model while people watched on.I admire them for the confidence they have in their skills, I do have 'artistic delusions' myself, but I couldn't see myself working in this situation for two reasons, firstly I couldn't possibly create with someone looking over my shoulder, and secondly, I throw way too much paint around than would be acceptable in these 'hallowed halls of learning'.....!!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Art and music in Halls of Learning.....!!
I went with my sister to an art show yesterday held at UWA , (University of Western Australia), beautiful old buildings that have been around since 1911 (I know, not long at all by European standards!) the perfect setting for local artists to show off their talent. Strolling around the grounds in the cold winter sun, string music playing, browsing through an abundance of brilliant paintings, jewellery, pottery and glassware was a very nice way to spend the morning. My sister's friend Kerstin was there showing her individually handcrafted glass bowls, clocks,plates and other bits and pieces (Bits of glass), her style as you can see is colourful and eclectic. Oh to be so talented would be nice.....!!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Jumping kanagaroos.....!!
This lead light, stained glass window is in the centre of the City on Padbury Walk looking through to Forrest Chase (which I guess you could call our Town Square), the building you can see directly through the window is the Commonwealth Post Office. I really like the vivid colours and the uniquely Australian content of this scene. If you pull the image in you'll see kangaroos, bandicoots , bilbys and kingfishers in amongst the eucalyptus and grass trees. I have searched and failed to find the artist who designed this window, but whoever he is he did a fine job.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Perthites cruising.....!!
Weekend in the city. I'm sure this scene is being played out in cities all over the world, people eating, drinking and socializing, oh yes, and shopping!! Why is there always someone who is looking at the camera!! Cheers and bon appetit, have a great weekend.....
Friday, July 8, 2011
One man's junk, another man's treasure.....!!
I went foraging for antiques in Guildford yesterday with mon ami Marie (doesn't everyone enjoy rummaging through bits and pieces from days gone by?). Guildford Town is classified by the National Trust and is advertised as 'the gateway to the Swan Valley'. It really is a lovely old town, with many beautiful old homes, but our focus was the 'antique strip' on James St. Along this stretch of the street there are many little 'antique and used wares' shops, gift and decor shops and galleries, plus of course cafes for the essential coffee breaks!! I was on the hunt for a pair of chairs that might be revamped, but came home with a large statue of a 'bulldog' which I've named Winston and placed guarding my front door, I know.. makes no sense, but what can you do!! I think the fun of antiquing is that you might just be lucky and find a real treasure, hopefully for a bargain price...!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
A walk through the tree tops.....
The Lotteries West Federation Walkway (Walkway) was opened in 2003 and is a 620m walk through the Botanical Gardens in Kings Park along a combination of 'on ground' pathways and a spectacular elevated 52m glass and steel arched bridge suspended among a canopy of tall Eucalyptus trees. From the 'Two Rivers Lookout' there are amazing views of the City and the Swan and Canning Rivers, making it one of Kings Park and the Botanical Gardens most popular tourist destinations. There's no charge for walking the bridge but a donation (box at entrance) to The Friends of Kings Park is appreciated. Amongst the list of regulations for the use of the bridge is one that disallows the taking of wedding photos, not sure why, guess it might be an obstruction issue, shame..would make for fabulous pictures.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Eh! What's up doc.....!!
Every winter we get a visit from these ducks (well I can't be certain they are exactly the same ducks!!) landing in the pool when their navigating skills seem to go slightly off to the left somewhat! I'm fairly certain they are actually heading to McDonald Park (with lake) a few streets over. I think they are rather nice but I'm sure that anyone who knows anything about ducks understands that they can make a horrible mess, (not that anyone is mad enough to be swimming in 16C weather), so a lot of arm flapping and shoooing ensues to guide them on their true flight path. This year should be fun, the pool now has a cover over it, so it'll be more like a 'crash' rather than a 'splash' landing!! Don't worry, no duck will be harmed, it's a soft cover, but I must confess the 'wicked' side of me will have the camera at the ready to catch what a 'startled' duck looks like..Any day now.....!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Branches, benches and bandstands.....
Russell Square on James St., named after Lord John Russell The Secretary of State and Prime Minister from 1846 - 1852 became known as 'Parco del Sospire', The Park of Sighs (who said romance was gone?) as it was a popular meeting place for the Italian community. It has hosted many festivals and fairs including last years City of Perth's Pride Fairday. There are, according to the blurb on Russell Square, thirty original sculptures designed by local artists in the park (which I will check out properly the next time I'm there), but this time as I was walking to my car I had eyes only for this magnificent old Morten Bay Fig tree, through which you can see the bandstand. You can get an idea of how big the trunk of this tree is by how small the man sitting underneath looks. To me this has got to be the best 'natural' sculpture in the park.....!!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Une tasse de thé.....
Sometimes on a chilly Monday morning all you need is a cup of tea (Earl Grey preferably!), a beautiful vista (with sailing boats if possible!) and to catch up with a good friend to exchange opinions on what happened over the weekend in world (read home!!) affairs, to ensure a pleasant start to the day. Wish you were here.....!! Have a happy week.....
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Big kids chasing waves.....!!
On Saturday morning I met my sisters and nieces at The Trigg Island Cafe (Trigg Island Cafe) for breakfast. I went along early to see if there was anything interesting going on at the beach. It always amazes me that no matter how wild, wet and windy it is, there are always surfers, kayakers and joggers out there willing to battle the elements!! These three mates, struggled down against the stiff breeze trying to blow them back, made it to the edge and somehow managed to get themselves out beyond the surf.....Meanwhile these weary surfers who had been out since sunrise were trudging back across the sand to rinse off their wetsuits and probably tuck into a huge breakfast, as did I, but without all the effort beforehand.....!!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
One40 William Street.....
Let me start off by saying I am so happy that from August, Aimee (my daughter) will be working in this building. She and I are happy for completely different reasons, she because as this new building is built directly above the new train station she will be able to come straight in and up to her office, not to mention that she will be in the very close proximity to an abundance of fabulous shopping opportunities (Heaven help her bank balance!). Me because this is no ordinary building, it has been awarded a 4.5 Star NABERS (NABERS Rating) and a 5 Star Green Star (Green Rating) which all boils down to the fact that it is probably the healthiest building in Perth to work in. I felt the first picture translated well in black and white (sorry VP) to show the back view of the building, the central lift shaft and brilliantly designed air management systems, and the front is the much more glamorous image of fashion shop facades. The building she has worked in for the last five years is known as a 'sick' building and when vacated will have millions of dollars spent on it to make it suitable for it's next occupants, government ministers....enough said!! Hurray for One40 William St. and many healthy years ahead.....!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Greenhouse .. one thousand and one pot plants.....!!
After it's success in Melbourne, Greenhouse designer Joost Bakker teamed up with Paul Aron and Jason Chan to open a second restaurant on St. George's Terrace in Perth. The steel frame made of roll formed steel, houses a vertical garden made up of individual pots of ivy that spill down the wall creating a lush green covering on all sides. I have to wonder if anyone has ever actually counted how many pots there guess is, probably!! It has a rooftop garden that supplies much of the produce used in the kitchen and the menu (The Greenhouse concept) if you care to check it out is fabulous!!
Theme Day post 'The Colour Green': Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
Theme Day post 'The Colour Green': Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
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