Friday, March 31, 2017

The minimalist struggle!

As we painted the house throughout last year each room was vigorously cleared of  superfluous 'stuff' as a wave of minimalism washed over moi :) this in no way negates the pleasure I enjoy fossicking through second hand/junk antique shops. If in Guildford, as I was yesterday, a walk along James St. aka Guildford's antique strip is compulsory even though it stretches my desire for old things to breaking point! It was love at first sight when I spotted Monsieur above, I fought my way through much stuff :) to reach him and even though he was without feet I wanted him, mentally I had already found the perfect spot for him in my minimalist environment. Here's where things fell apart.. his price tag $85. Me to dealer "he will need a fair bit of work and he is without feet, will you take $60 for him?" Dealer "the lowest I will go is $75." Me "Okay I'll leave him." Dealer shrugs as I walk out empty handed! What would you have done if it was something you fell in love with, would you have been more determined? I'm a shocking haggler but here's the thing, all I can think about is this swim-suited, mustached gent standing at the side of my red sofa with goodness knows what on his wee tray :) Happy Friday, take care and stay safe...   


  1. I could find something to my liking in there!

  2. ...I must say, I like stuff.

  3. I like to look but never buy. He is charming though!

  4. That swimsuited gentleman is marvelous. If you keep coming back to the shop perhaps the price will drop? He makes for a great photo in any case.

  5. Haha the guy is practically asking to be brought home.. :)

  6. I can imagine what he indoors would say...

  7. How could you be so heartless as to leave an old man with no feet standing about in just his Speedos? He'd look great in a pair of my old walking boots!

  8. If you are still regretting not getting him by tomorrow I would head back, Grace! I think he looks marvelous!

  9. The next time you go there and if he's still there, then bring him home. It was meant to be.

  10. I think he belongs outside, next to your sun lounge beside the pool. He is not really dressed for indoors.

  11. I like stuff and especially second hand stuff. This looks like a fun place!

  12. Well, I sure know you live with someone who could make a copy for you, Grace! Cause... cool fella to have by the sofa, too! And maybe you get feet for him, too...

  13. Looks like a great shop. The small trike below his feet caught my eye.
    Coffee is on

  14. A great shop to visit Grace. I don't haggle either, usually just pay what's asked or don't buy at all! As Iris says, maybe your hubby can make you one.

  15. He would make a great addition to any room - well, that' what I'd tell myself anyway!

  16. Temptations there! Would you really had to have a butler aside you when sitting on the couch? Sounds a bit colonial...:)

  17. How can he stand there, without feet?

  18. Good for YOU! Staying calm and friendly while asking for their 'best cash price' is my way. I got my fave new bag (that everyone admires) that way - and made a new friend in tiny Novato CA!

  19. You did the right thing. I mean, really, no feet and still no break in the price? As I've probably told you before, I do like junk/antique shops but they are very depressing. All the antiques are things I grew up with! :)

  20. I'm the wrong person to ask, I'm a terrible haggler. The only time I've actually negotiated my way to a good deal was 16 years ago in a London second hand shop when found a Chanel handbag that I haggled over until the shopkeeper called the owner to see she would accept my price. That may have been the only "deal" I've ever made.

  21. The minimalist in me says, 'Stay strong, Grace!' Cute fellow, though...even sans feet. : )

  22. Neat shop. Mrs. M and I visited several second hand, thrift, and antique shops during our stay in Mayberry. Guess what the first words out of her mouth were when asked if she was looking for anything special? More on my blog in a day or two. I'm still in digital detox.

  23. He would certainly look good in your place. I usually make one effort to get a bit of a price break (which you got). The guy who owns the store has bills to pay and mouths to feed, too.

  24. I'm still getting rid of stuff. Books, music, movies...all are now digital. The only thing I can't part with are my stuffed animals.

  25. Totally my kind of place to visit!
