Thursday, May 17, 2012

Magic mushrooms.....!

Well just to be clear, magic in the sense that when the weather starts to get a little cooler and wetter, these little fungi pop up literally overnight, they're not there and then pooof.. next morning there they are! Does that mean that they're fully formed like this under the ground just gathering up the energy to burst through..who knows, does anyone know? I could Google 'the growth habits of fungi', but I'm all Googled out trying to find information on tomorrows post, so feel free to enlighten me please! I found these 'funky fungi' at the bottom of my garden, wonder if the birds eat them? So many questions.....! Hope you have a happy and safe Thursday.....


  1. Ah... magic mushrooms. You brought me back to my dissipated youth for a moment!

  2. OK, I was thinking of another kind of magic...

  3. Nice, but no omelette with these champignons for us!

  4. Looks like I am not the only one whose eyebrow was raised by your magic mushroom post. I know very little about mushrooms. In my area, mushrooms pop out of the ground after several days of rain if there is a rotting tree root underneath.

  5. Easy: there are mushrooms here because you had fairies dancing in your garden last night*-*-*-* :o)

  6. Still laughing out loud at the responses...I have no idea, but I do love the idea of fairies dancing in the garden...much better than the rotting tree root theory!

  7. I like Malyss's answer but understand the other interpretations of magic mushrooms!

  8. belles photos et compositions

  9. Yep, I'm with Malyss, too!! Stay up tonight and watch the fairies dance and get some photos of them, too!!!

  10. and I of course am wondering what tomorrow's post is about as it requires so much googleling

  11. I'll pass the omelette too! The photos are lovely!

  12. Fabulous fungi 'fotos, Grace :-)

  13. They could be the type of magic mushroom that transport you to meet your maker the instant you eat one!!

  14. Magic mushrooms are groovy man :-).

  15. I'm none the wiser and can't enlighten you either about the life of your mushrooms...but great pics anyway.

  16. They do pop quickly, don't they?! These 'shrooms look rather toxic.

  17. wonderful captures of the 'funky fungi' Grace!

  18. How to set yourself up to fail, #101. I am so busy googling for tomorrow's post.......

    Expectations are severely elevated.

    Friends used to make magic mushroom iceblocks, but the mushrooms didn't look like yours. As someone said, they are the type that grows in rotting wood.

  19. They sure have 'tickled' us all - maybe with that feather tucked behind.

  20. Fun Guys!

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } (°>

  21. These are amazing. Great shots Grace.

  22. I have never seen anything like this. The closest thing to magic growth like this with which I am familiar are the stalks of agave plants, which shoot up about a foot per day when the plant is entering its final stages before dying.

  23. Bet you Jamie Oliver could whisk up something with these.

  24. I´ve heard if you get fungi it´s because your soil is good, doesn´t mean they are edible though...what a pity you had plenty there!

  25. hee hee...
    «Louis» has no idea whether these mushrooms are edible, toxic or hallucinogenic - or all of the above!

  26. hope your headache is all gone ... I know nothing about mushrooms other than I like them sauteed with onions and eaten with rice ...

  27. They may look like gems Grace but I would not try them! Hope that you have also had a happy and safe Thursday and that you do get those pics of Aimee and Friday's dance. Look forward to seeing them.

  28. I think your photos are beautiful and I'd love to try them but I'm leery of wild mushrooms! Be careful.

  29. Wonderful find! I love funghi.

  30. Ici, tous les champignons qui poussent sur des souches de bois blanc sont comestibles. Encore faut-il savoir reconnaître le bois blanc des autres!...

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