Friday, February 7, 2020

Red stripes and shark nets..

Couldn't resist a quick click of the matching red stripes above :) Spotted something new since we were last in Cottesloe for lunch. You have seen the shark net at Hillarys Boat Harbour, now a shark net surrounding the popular swimming spot here was installed at the end of last year, an excellent addition as there have been couple of fatal shark attacks here. Seeing the net on arrival my first thought was that it didn't look like it covered a very big area but....

....looking back from the end of the pier above, you can see that it is in fact a more than adequate area.. it's all a matter of perspective oui!

There were a few problems in the beginning, apparently a large seal found its way inside the barrier which posed the question if a seal why not a shark.. there was a fragile area which hopefully has been fixed by now..

Had to smile.. like every situation in life there are the conformers and those who go against the grain. Below swimming along on the right side of the barrier and then the two heading off into the possibly dangerous exciting big blue ocean, call me a namby pamby but I know what side I would be swimming on :) Sorry there aren't any links today but I was lucky to even get a post up, computer problems bah! Happy Friday, take care and stay safe.. P.s. The ocean really was that blue 💙


  1. ...they need shark nets here on Maui. There were tiger sharks following stand up paddler yesterday, they bit several boards.

  2. Blue and green are my favorite color combination so I love your water color.
    All the times I visited my kids in Australia I never ventured more than a few feet from the ocean shore. Even when they lived in Bondi. Yes, call me chicken of the sea. :)

  3. Oh WoW - The Sea Is Beautiful And Very Inviting - Thanx For Your Perspective


  4. I know which side I’d be on too, Grace.

  5. You need to play the Jaws theme out there and see how many people react.

  6. That red striped umbrella is perfect for your beach photo. Nothing better than a good day at the beach.

  7. Instructive. I'm taking notes. Yes. BLUE! <3

  8. Perhaps those outside the net hope to become shark bait.

  9. I'd be inside the net with you, Grace! It is so nice to see bright colour when everything is grey here - a bit white today with snow.

  10. Gorgeous shots. I think that is where I would like to be right now! Sorry to hear about your computer problems.

  11. I've never seen a shark net before, we don't have them here but those who swim outside it are like people who swim outside the flags - silly.

  12. Not knowing anything about sharks, I did see Jaws. I wouldn't go close to the water.

  13. Grace, I think William has a brilliant idea there - could you give a go and film it, too? LOL.
    Oh, reckon next time I go for a swim there! At Hillary´s it was too windy.

  14. Love the first picture with the red striped umbrella.
    I would be swimming inside the nets too for sure!
    Have a lovely weekend Grace

  15. Yes, you have always people who want to find excitement in their lives....well they can get it here! :(


  17. I love the umbrella shot. So summery.

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