Thursday, February 13, 2020

Perth waking up..

We took Aimee to the airport just after 4.30 AM yesterday morning, she's off to Sydney for the weekend. It's not easy getting up at 3am but there are many consolations along the way. The air is so fresh and cool at that time of the morning, the rising sun gently glinting off the city buildings before it unleashes the heat of the day upon us :)  The only sign of life the seagulls swooping over the river and the early morning walkers and cyclists, too early even for the first ferry across from the city..

We couldn't wait for the sun to come up, more pressing business! It all worked out well time wise. What you may ask could possibly be happening that would stop me heading straight home and back to bed? Such a fun though ridiculously early event and the first time I've taken photos of it.. bit of a clue below :) Be prepared for a multitude of super-colourful shots tomorrow 😉 Happy Thursday, take care and stay safe.. P.s early bed last night, big catch up today..


  1. Wonderfully peaceful at that time of day. We'll have to see what you've got in store tomorrow!

  2. ...the early morning hours can be the best.

  3. 3 am is too early even for me, though I must admit those city views are worth gettingout of bed for.

  4. Love those early morning photos. It looks like the upcoming event might have something to do with water. I can't wait.

  5. Nicely shown It's chilly winter mornings here 16.111 C at HNL this am!
    But I really must go out to the shore in the mornings! Thanks, G

  6. I hate getting up early but always like what I see outside when I do. Plus everything is so quiet!

  7. I used to get up around 3 to 03h30 most of my working life as I used to ride race horses at the training track All very secretive so other trainers could not see how all other trainers horses were working!!! Never thought I would get out of the habit but I have, and because I struggle to go to sleep nowadays once gone I can now sleep late!! Lovely photos. Take care Diane

  8. Everything seems a little surreal when you are up and out at that hour. That looks like a wading pool on the ute. Has your pool sprung a leak and you need a temporary replacement.

  9. Just beautiful light in your sunrise photos. Have a great Thursday.

  10. Beautiful, Grace!
    The days are getting longer - very slowly here, too. 07:30 you might see some light. Argh!
    Beautiful pictures - silvery-golden!
    A happy weekend to Aimee!

    And, weee... some summer fun coming up?
    Will love to see it, icy roofs to the left of me, brrr...

  11. The world looks very different when go out so early! Beautiful photos.

  12. Beautiful photos of the sunrise Grace :)

  13. Yes I agree with those early morning flights, we're doing them lots too! All for family and friends though.
