Thursday, February 9, 2023

..and then this happened.


If you have read my last few posts you will know that 2022 was not a good year for my family, and by that I mean it was the worst of years! After a long and courageous battle with cancer my younger sister passed away in October and then after avoiding Covid during 2020/2021 my whole extended family succumbed just before Christmas 2022, what timing! The year was saved by the arrival of my Sydney famille, grandchildren are the best. Somewhere in the blur of that period I planted many dahlia seedlings, far too late in the season and just when I was about to give up hope of them flowering this cheery beauty looked up at me. My heart breaks every time I watch the news these days, the earthquake in Turkey/Syria is beyond devastating, so many lives lost. There is a lot to deal with in the world these days, we have to find that little bit of hope wherever we find it 🌺 One of these days I will take up my camera and tread further than my garden :) 


  1. A beautiful flower and reminder of the good, Grace.
    I am so sorry these years (it´s kinda plural, no?) bugged you so much.
    And here I am, happy as can be.
    And then there is natural catastrophes and man-made ones (though I refuse to call Putin a man). We have -5C here and I feel cold inside.
    I cannot imagine the people in Ukraine being outside and it must be much colder, too.
    We have many big Ukrainian SUVs here, the rich, who could escape.
    Like the flower I try to feel happy for them.
    We have many Russians, too, who do not want to fight their brothers and sisters and escaped to Germany, to Braunschweig.

    Let us be happy for those who could and remember those who had to leave us.

    I am with you. My Bro and I both were with our parents on the long way through cancer and when I think of them I still sometimes get tears.
    Dad passed 2002, Mum 2011 and it still hurts.

    But that also means: They are not forgotten, as your little Sister.

    Love your new banner (and I pop in like this cause blogger has the hiccups).
    Hugs from here, hope for more again! Be it sad or happy...
    Really, when Ingo was so severly sick in 2008 the blogger community helped me g#big, maybe that works for you, also.

  2. Love the new banner and beautiful Dahlia - sunshine and flowers, what more could we wish for? Big hugs. xx

  3. Lovely to see you back Grace. The new header is beautiful 😍. All that is happening in the world is scary and sad. I'm glad your dahlias are blooming and bringing a smile to your face. Let's hope for a better 2023.

    1. Sorry, that's my comment :) Sami

  4. Lovely red flower indeed. Sorry for the horrible year you had.

  5. Saddened by your 2022, Grace. Hopefully 2023 will be better.

    welcome back!

    BTW blogger will only display comments as anonymous.

    Bill M

  6. Happy that nature can also give comfort instead of disasters. May you be spared further misery.

  7. The header is beautiful, Grace. It is good to see you again. I hope this is a banner year for you!

  8. How wonderful that the flowers have bloomed for you, Grace. It was so good to see your post and I hope that you soon will be out wandering with camera again. Thinking of you.

  9. My condolences on the passing of your sister. Let us hope 2023 will be a much better year for your family. The Dahlia flower is a beauty.

  10. I hope your 2023 is better. Sorry for the loss of your sister. The flower 🌺 is beautiful.

  11. Good to see you back, Grace. Norma

  12. Welcome back, Sad to read about your sister, Prayers _()_
    Loved the pic and Good blog banner. Stay well.

  13. Grace, I am very behind in blogging, but my deepest condolences on the passing of your sister. Also sorry to hear of Covid during Christmas. Hopefully this year will be full of wonder and new possibilities.

  14. I hope that gorgeous dahlia face will bring you happiness and peace in 2023. New beginnings. Hugs.......

  15. Yes there is so much going on, the north island here is battling a cyclone right now but we in the south island have had a very hot summer. It sounds like you have really been through the wringer with your sister (RIP) and covid, I hope 2023 is a better year for you

  16. I like ít because It's bloomin' lovely.

  17. So pleased to hear from you after the awful time you have been having. I am glad that I noticed this post as we are touring South Africa at the moment and will only be home 1 April. We decided that we would make a long trip while we are still able to travel. Nigel's feet are getting worse and walking is is becoming more difficult as time goes by. Take care and enjoy your garden, Cheers Diane

  18. "One of these days I will take up my camera and tread further than my garden" ... ,
    I hope so. ;)
    Please take care of yourself and yourselves.

  19. Glad to hear from you again, thanks for the beautiful flower!

  20. Nice post thank you Abdias

  21. I hope you are OK young lass. Let folks now how things are.

  22. I think of you often Grace and I am very hopeful that you and your family are doing better now. The world is not doing so well, with weather and politics. But thankfully your dahlia blooms bright in the middle of sadness. <3 <3 <3 (((hugs)))

  23. Thanks for being a positive force in the online community, fostering connection and growth.

  24. Please think of picking up your camera once again. I miss seeing your daily posts of wonderful photos from Perth and environments. I'm sure many others also miss your posts.

  25. I have been, for one reason or another, absent from the blogosphere. Busy with ABAB, but busy with life too - and struggling with some unpleasant people - and 'stuff'. The world is seemingly going to hell on a handcart. I hope all is well with you!

  26. I'm thankful for the diverse perspectives you bring to your thought-provoking topics.

  27. Grace, I hadn't checked your blog in a long time and I see you've suffered some loss over the past few years. I can relate. I also lost my youngest sister to complications from cancer in the spring of 2022. Your tribute to your sister is beautiful.

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  29. Hello Grace
    Just read that you met up with Sami recently ...
    Thinking of you and sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

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