Sunday, June 14, 2020

Which are you?

'An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day'.. Henry David Thoreau
'Early morning cheerfulness can be extremely obnoxious'.. William Feather

It all depends on the season :) I admit to finding it difficult getting up and out there on these cold winter mornings, whereas when the sun rises at 4.30am in summer it is a warm breeze. Above, sunup along Lake Gwelup if you do make the effort is well worth it 💛 One more week of behaving myself re shoulder injury before physio.. I can't believe how much I do with my left arm considering I am right handed! Happy Sunday, take care and stay safe..


  1. I'm with Feather on this one, Grace! ;-)

  2. I’m with Feather too. My husband is the opposite. It is annoying!

  3. Season?? Depends On The Day, Right?? Be Well And Walk On


  4. Another one for Feather, Grace. :)

  5. Ah, I must be more like Thoreau. A great way to start the day with the crisp morning air in winter and the cool summer breeze in the summer.

  6. My shoulders have been paining me as well. Perhaps the heavy loads we're subject to just now? The cold. We couldn't take the N. Calif cold. Back in our balmy breezes and loving it. We are talking about welcoming back visitors from sensible areas that have decent control of the virus, which doesn't include most of the US now! Elections cannot come soon enough for me! Hang in there world. As the young and not so young are showing world wide: we good folk are still here and ready to more FORWARD TOGETHER! Cheers, G

  7. ...the early morning can be the best time of the day!!!

  8. I keep thinking of all the wonderful light and scenes without crowds of people early in the morning, and yet...

  9. It a nice setting. You really must have done some damage with rest ordered and then physio.

  10. Sun here now is popping up around 4:30 AM

  11. As it's now 04:49 and I've been up for nearly an hour I must be with Mr Thoreau. Sunrise this morning was a bit of a wash out but I did take a few pics of the moon. Not usually up quite as early as this though.

  12. Depends on the place and the season. I only like morning walks when I am in places away from home.

  13. Same here, in those dark, cold winter-months it´s hard to get up early!
    Oh, Grace... I never belonged to those gals who mix up left and right. Until I had to do everything with my left hand for over 6 months, LOL, I joined the women-club "I mean the other right/left"!
    Though!!!! Yesterday Ingo mixed it up, too!

  14. Glad to hear something from you and you are recovering. We have sunny (Australian) days here at the moment...:)

  15. The plan was to go for a sunrise walk to my tree, but when I woke up it was already too late so guess what, I decided to go back to bed.

  16. I'm with feather definitely. I work at night so the night for me is the morning so it get's irritating to see people being loud and cheeky when I just got up HAHA Well I kinda got used to it though.

  17. I'm with Thoreau... the early bird catches the worm...
    The only problem: I don't like worms :-)

  18. I hate winter and short days full stop, I would rather too hot than too cold! I think I should hibernate over the colder months! Hope the shoulder soon gets back to normal. Enjoy your week, Diane

  19. I have to push myself to get up early too. But as you say, it's always worth it.
