Thursday, October 4, 2018

City Daily Photo Theme.. Change.

I'm a few days late for the CDP theme 'Change'.. but better late than never oui :) Spending time with my younger sister while she was in 'Charlies' gave me the opportunity to take some pics of the brand new Perth Children's Hospital, (much better pic on link) opened in June this year. If ever there was a change in architectural styles it is between the old Princess Margaret Hospital for Children opened in 1909, built along more concrete lines and the more colourful new children's hospital.. green, the colour of tranquility 💚

Apart from the change in architectural style how about the change in weather 😉 The blue skies in the first shot when we took my sister into hospital and grey below a week later. The hospital to the right here, with the link to the new hospital middle of pic, is Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, the above mentioned 'Charlies'. No matter how fabulous the new children's hospital is, and it is, nothing can be taken away from the incroyable work the doctors and nurses carried out in PMH, if interested you can read here, brought a tear to my eye as I remembered how brilliant they were with my then three year old great niece. Summed up by one nurse 'bricks and mortar but so much more'. Bear with me as I catch up, happy Thursday, take care and stay safe..


  1. Vibrant is what comes to mind with the architectural style for that hospital.

    Hopefully you can link up with the theme.

  2. that quite a building!

  3. MARVELOUS! A fitting match to U Calif San Francisco's renowned Children's Hospital! Or Philadelphia's! What a smashing enviorn!

  4. A wonderful looking building. Makes me think about the Children's Hospital where my son had spent some time.

  5. That is a very cheerful looking building and I love the color scheme.

  6. A fine building indeed! A good one for the theme, Grace!
    I hope your sister is okay!

  7. The architecture is beautiful. A wonderful shot for the theme, Grace!

  8. Children like colours, this look very pretty, not so stiral as all white.

  9. Impressive! Incredible work will happen there too!

  10. Wow amazing building. Loved all pics.

  11. Isn´t it crazy how the (grey) skies can make a difference, Grace?
    When I came in with a thank-you-pressie after my Mum was gone and her station in hospital was closed down... owww.
    I never had a chance to say thanks (I did every time, but no final).

  12. A very striking building. May all the little ones within be speedily mended.

  13. I haven't past yet since it was finished, but it's certainly very bright and colourful. Welcome back Grace :)

  14. I really like the new architecture and especially the tranquil green colour, but I can't help thinking that this architecture will look very dated in 40 or 50 years time!

  15. It looks like a realy good place. Have a good day Diane

  16. I love your posts and everything looks wonderful. I love your idea thanks for sharing.

  17. I can't think of anyone who's happy about going to a hospital but it's so much better when it's a nice facility staffed by good people. (I saw your comment on Red Pat's blog. I hope your sister recovers easily & biopsies are clear. I'm in the midst of a bout with a second type of skin cancer, the inaugural bout being melanoma.)

  18. The architecture of the older building is one that I particularly dislike. Those buildings all look like car parks.

  19. I love your posts and everything looks wonderful. I love your idea thanks for sharing.

  20. Hope your sister gets good news on her biopsies, Grace.

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