Sunday, April 25, 2021

Anzac Day 2021..


'This is a day not of celebration but of national memory. It's a day when we learn, and learn again of the horror of purposeless war. It's a day for looking after your mates, cherishing your home, your neighbourhood and family. It's a day for realising how rare this wonderful country of ours is and how precious it is'..   

I apologize if I have used this shot before but, as happened last year the ANZAC Day Dawn Service held in Kings Park has been cancelled as Perth has gone into a snap three day lockdown. So like last year we and thousands of others around WA will be Lighting up the Dawn. Happy Sunday, take care and stay safe..


  1. ...a wonderful image for a special day.

  2. Great photo!
    Remember we have what we have because of those who fought for our freedoms.

  3. A beautiful shot, Grace. That quote certainly fits the times we are in now as well as war times. Stay safe!

  4. I love the photo, and a worthy day of remembrance for sure!

  5. Dearest Grace,
    A very memorable day!

  6. Lovely photo for the day of remembrance.

  7. I hope you stay safe there Grace, we will probably go to a later service this morning.

  8. Great image even if you might have used it before. Have a good day, Diane

  9. I think I would remember that photo if you had used it before. Nice.

  10. I don't mind seeing such a fine photograph once a year (or more often, if you like). Just over a decade after the end of WWII I was happily playing with a little friend whose parents were Germans. We could never understand how two people as mild and friendly as our two dads could ever have ended up fighting each other.

  11. Great shot. I can't remember seeing it before.

  12. I nodded in respect to the poppies your P gave me, Grace. They´re still hanging right here, the sachet at least.
    Yes, war has no purpose of any good. Well... other than freeing people. But that is wrong in the first place...

  13. I actually heard the news of you lock down Sunday morning on the news. Your government is taking things very seriously as they should.
