Saturday, December 29, 2012

Waiting for...!

Things are heating up around Perth, cozies, towels, thongs (slip slops!) and ice cream are the way to go. I took these shots yesterday at the beach at around 5pm, it was still in the mid 30C's and guess what....? I was wearing thongs and eating ice cream, but not in my cozie haha! Have a great weekend, take care...


  1. As I am getting ready to step outside with my dog in the Seattle rain, I look at this colorful photo of yours, Grace, and let out a wistful "Ahhhhhhhhhh..." -- Thank you for sharing! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. Yep, the same words from me in Seattle as well!! What a fun shot to brighten my dull day!! Have a very Happy New Year, Grace!! May you have all the good things for the year to come!


  3. Reading the two comments above, I'm at least glad we don't have rain. The sun is shining brightly but the expected high is only 55 degrees (13C). That's too cold for beach wear when you are a desert dweller. However, I bet if I popped into a couple of resorts around hear, I'd see some brave northern and easterners by the pool.

  4. I am so jealous!!!! We have family living near Melbourne and they are saying the same as you about the weather. Enjoy (says she looking outside at more rain).

  5. ca donne envie, ici c'est des bottes que l'on met au pied ;))

  6. My sister tells me Perth was the hottest capital city in the world on Christmas Day.


  7. I'm jealous to although at least our snow was pretty unlike rain. What is a cozie, Grace?

  8. It is getting pretty cold around here! Enjoy!

  9. I wonder if the little kid is thinking "ouch ouch!" from the hot path.
    Our weather over here is so over the place at the moment.
    Enjoy your weekend and last few days of 2012.

  10. Those little feet are sweet. Stay cool!

  11. Looks just like our "Local Style."
    We call 'flip-flops'

    SLIPPAHAS ("Slippers" as we pronounce eeet / it )

    Friday Aloha from Honolulu,
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° >
    > < } } ( ° >
    > < 3 3 3 ( ' >

    ><}}(°> ~
    ~ ~ ~ <°)333><( ~ ~ ~

  12. Great impressions. Collected today the Lemons from the tree in our garden; juice goes well with hot cup of black tea over here.

    Please have a good weekend.

  13. So all we have to do is wait six months, acquire an ocean and we can do the same thing. It was snowing when we returned to St. Louis from New York Friday night.

  14. I'm envious, Grace! As Bob says, it's snowing here!

  15. I think I'd prefer the snow but I love your shots.

  16. Instead of ice cream we have only ice here...
    Have a nice weekend, Grace!

  17. It is so funny to see your sunny photo's with ice-creams, makes me feel a bit warmer. Stay cool for the weekend!

  18. Let's swap places for the day! Could do with an ice cream on the beach! There are places where they have summer all year long, Mauritius for example, but very little work there (I tried).

  19. i particularly love that top shot. it sings summer. and i'm looking out my window at snow so it is singing a song most pleasant to my ears.

  20. I feel warmer just reading your blog!

  21. I envy you! :-) Winter has officially started just a week ago here. Grrrr...

  22. If you buy the ice cream I'll wear the cozie hat! OK?

  23. I love the words "Slip slops"!!! I hope you got your toes wet too.

  24. pray tell what were you wearing?

  25. And here we're shovelling snow and dealing with cold!
