Saturday, March 2, 2013

Supa Sizzler.....!

Well it's official.. Perth has sweltered through it's hottest summer on record, check out these temperatures and you'll understand the occasional lament! The good news is that despite the heat Perthites are becoming more energy efficient by adjusting the temperature on their air conditioners and by the use of solar water heating and energy panels, it makes so much sense to utilize the power of the sun when there's so much of it, also with only 28.2mm of rain in the last three months and the dams at a low 27%, water restrictions are tight. I took this shot at Hillary's Marina last week, I knew it would come in handy at some point, 'supa sizzler' says it all!! Happy weekend hope it's a good one, take care and stay safe.....p.s. is anyone else having a problem with blogger eating their comments?


  1. And we have snow here...wanna trade? Please?

  2. I clicked on the link. Hillary's Marina looks like a very cool place to be - especially during a hot summer. But my brain is kinda foggy today and I can't figure out what is a Supa Sizzler...

    Re your comment on The Villages: I've not been to either Perth or Brisbane but from your photos I'd be hard pressed to think Brisbane was the more exciting place!

    I'm afraid with global warming we are in for some very warm weather in certain parts of the world and very cold weather in other parts and a lot of mixed up weather here and there. We're in trouble and the powers-that-be are so in hock to the polluters creating the problem, that it's soon going to be too late. It's already too late for some Pacific Islanders who find their lands under water!

  3. global warming? i think anyone who doesnt believe this is happening is living in a fantasy ... have a great weekend, gracie!

  4. So good to hear and read about energy conservation. Why don't the "leaders" of the world listen to hard evidence. We're polluting the world and losing ground all over. Humans are not good stewards of the earth.

  5. I am impressed with all of the things being done there for energy conservation!! I do wish more countries would accept that we're not just having an occasional hot summer -- it's GLOBAL WARMING!!! They are indeed living in a fantasy!! Terrific shot for the day, Gracie! Hope you have a great weekend!!

  6. I'm warming up just reading this! Love the effort to harness solar energy, if only these things are more widespread! (I recall Honolulu solar panel programs back in the late 70s/early 80s, but here in Princeton, I'm only seeing solar panels instituted recently. I know there's a difference in sunlight levels, but still...) Anyhoo, fun, bright capture - stay cool!

  7. Cute shot! I believe the U.S. broke all records for heat last year.

  8. Makes me warm just looking at this ... and after this winter, I'm ready for something warm!

  9. Fantastic photo Grace. But I had to shudder when I saw the temperatures. You know me, I like it cool... :-)

  10. I'm sure I will be complaining about heat when summer comes here but it sure looks good now!
    I haven't been having any comment problems but have heard others mention it.

  11. Those aren't good temps to look forward to...

    I haven't noticed any problems with blogger.


  12. Glad to hear you are harnessing the sun the heat your water in Perth.
    I think Israel and Spain are the only countries to require solar water heaters by law. I wish every place with sun would do this, to save energy and money.

    I have not encountered problems posting comments, but recently my blog has been getting way less than the normal number of comments. So Blogger may have a problem.

  13. Had to chuckle at your comment about 28mm of rain in the past 3 months! It quite wet in our part of the world. (Pacific northwest, Vancouver.) In fact we are currently under a heavy rainfall warning. We've had 67mm over the past 24 hours or so, and it's still raining!

  14. Hot... I wish! Today, we thought we were back in Dublin, Ireland, with a bad case of global wetting and coughing.
    Not getting many comments either, but this is probably due to my not having any time to browsing other people's blogs.

  15. I like the photo Grace, with the Australian flags. Would it look even more colourful with a proposed Republic flag? I rather liked the kangaroo and Japanese sun proposal!

  16. Super Sizzler! A very appropriate image after the kind of summer you have endured. Just keep applying sunscreen (and deodorant!).

  17. Terrific colors here. You're having a drought and we ave to worry about flash flooding.

    Re your lost comment comment. - i was getting spammed so i turned on comment approval.

  18. Ha, last month there was a day when it rained over here as much as it hasn't in the last 60 ! years. People start talking about spring. Please have a good weekend ahead.

  19. Enjoy the next few days, Grace - going up again next Friday!

  20. No problems with Blogger, knock on wood. Try to stay cool.

  21. Ah! that's what we need over here is a Supa Sizzler ... nearly into Autumn Grace!

  22. If only we could trade with you some cool rainy clouds for a bit of warmth and blue skies...
    God bless you!

  23. You may have had your hottest summer on record, but on my peninsula, we have only experienced "pieces" of summer! We have just had some Autumn days, but now we face a couple of days at 30C degrees! The weather's all so weird! Adore those zingy colours in your photo! And so many Australian flags!

  24. We should change countries for a while, we can get warm and you can cool down down a bit. But 40 degrees is a bit too hot for me I am afraid.

  25. The heat and dry can start to get annoying just like the continual rain that we are having. Hopefully Autumn has something better for us both.

  26. Higher temperature, sunshine, dry, hot..........

    Yeah just rub it in dear.....

  27. I'm still dreamin' for one sizzler to take all this whiteness away. One day of 100 might do it. Ha!

  28. I fear that our upcoming summer is going to be the same way.

  29. You are right, witt so mutch sun !!! Here it dam frozen Grrrr, Have made a *marché aux puces * this sunday ? SUNday. Well sold.

    Here they came little by little to install L'inergie solaire. The hight school EPFL make lot of recherche about it..

  30. The hottest summer ever?! Something serious will definitely going to happen on the planet on a not very far future.

  31. My sons are leaving Byron Bay today for the Blue Mountains. I just looked up images of same and they are astoundingly beautiful as is everything down under. Such a big country. It's almost overwhelming. :)
