Saturday, June 29, 2013
Just because.....!
Do you ever put a picture up just because there's something about it that grabs your imagination and for an instant transports you out of your everyday reality.. Walking along St. George's Terrace in search of a 'facade' image for July's theme, passing London Court (super link), hugely popular with tourists as well as a handy shortcut through to the Hay St. Mall for office workers on the terrace looking to do a bit of shopping or have lunch. Glancing up through the court the contrast between the suited gent walking away from me and the man walking towards me seemed worlds apart, the light appealed to me too. I hope that you enjoy it also, and that you have a wonderful weekend..take care.....
Friday, June 28, 2013
Getting to know me.....!
You would think looking at the shot above that a mega storm was about to plummet down on us at any minute. Sitting 'alfresco' :) in a cafe in Forrest Place very early yesterday morning it was a little like looking at a parallel universe, to the left above the sky was ominously 'brewing' while below to the right blue sky peeking through puffy white clouds..within a short while even they disappeared and it was blue skies all around, in fact it got to 20C with 21 forecast for tomorrow..not too shabby for the middle of winter oui!
If you look to the centre of the top shot you'll see the City of Perth information booth where you can find out about all the fabulous things happening in Perth, most of them free. The booth is attended by a team of wonderful volunteers who love Perth a much as I do, I bet if you check out the latest 'get to know me' video you'll recognize quite a few Perth City sights that have featured here over the last two years. I hope the skies are blue in your part of the world today, enjoy..take care and stay safe.. Click here to view all participants of Skywatch Friday
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Trap, Neuter, Return..........
that our technology has exceeded our humanity..Albert Einstein
This sad but shamefully true quote could apply to so many situations around the world today but here it is used by Cat Alliance of Australia to highlight the dire situation regarding feral cats in Australia. CAA wants to bring Australia in line with the rest of the world with the 'trap, neuter, return' solution to the cat overpopulation. While I was researching this post the Atlantic City Boardwalk Cats Project made me so happy whereas the story of Little Tom (scroll down) made me weep. Walking along the mole on Monday, we saw at least ten cats..some huddled together to keep warm, others disappearing into the cracks and crevices of the rocks. The CAA feels that an effective program of TNR as well as shelters, rescue organizations and local councils working more effectively together could bring about a solution for a happier life for these wee creatures. It would be wonderful if people would do the right thing by not abandoning their pets when they get bored with them, but the human element can at times be extremely distasteful oui! Sorry about the rant, but sometimes you just have to put it out there :) Yesterday was one of 'those' days, hoping for a better one today..take care.....
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
A lighthouse moment.....!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Too cool for school.....
Monday, June 24, 2013
Superman? Not even a glimpse.....!
Sorry I haven't been around much the last two days, we went out on Friday night and I had one glass of wine too many and suffered the consequences the next day :)) It was so worth it. Aimee's been telling us about The Jazz Cellar for a while and on the spur of the moment we decided..let's do it! We figured it had to be something really special as the booking arrangements were 'unusual' to say the least. We were advised to get there early, 4.30 ish, even though the band only started playing at 7.30.. with the capacity for only 100, tickets sold out fast. This has to be one of the most eclectic queues I've seen anywhere, I'm not sure who looked the oddest, it could have been P and his brother in their jackets haha!.....
The phone box 'opened' at five, and this was the scene that awaited at the bottom of the stairs. When I was researching links for this post, I read one review that said The Jazz Cellar was such a cool gig, way too cool for Perth...well you know what I say to that oui! Get out there matey and you'll see there are many such cool spots in Perth...

Saturday, June 22, 2013
Charles Bukowski hates you, or.. l'importance de pain!.....
Friday, June 21, 2013
High time.....!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Fremantle encore et fini.....!
Continuing up onto South Terrace known as the 'cappuccino strip we found excellent sustenance, exploring builds the appetite right..or is that just me :) If you want 'character', Fremantle is bursting at the seams with cafes, bistros, restaurants and hotels housed in heritage listed buildings, there are those who prefer to stay in Freo and visit Perth when they come to WA, which would you choose, old or the more modern? Blue skies again today so it'll be out into the garden for moi, it's a bit like a jungle out there! Happy Thursday, take care and stay safe.....
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Festival of the, water, wind & fire.....
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Monster waves and Megamouths.........
Another shot of the ceiling design of the Maritime Museum in Fremantle, this time from the upper viewing level showing the tips of the sails rising to reach their counterpart above. Like the Australia ll, the adventures of Jon Sanders aboard the Parry Endeavour are probably the better known of the exhibits here in the museum. Setting off in 1986 he was the first person to circumnavigate the world three times in just under 2 years, not stepping on dry land for 658 days. Wonder how long it took him to get his 'land legs' back in working order after that :)
...and just when you think it can't get any worse, you discover there are these creatures swimming around under the sea! Never fear (?) the Megamouth shark is very rare and a vegetarian, although just the sight of it may cause an 'untoward' reaction :) From whaleboats to pearl luggers these are just a few of the many fascinating sailing vessels in the museum, it took a while but I'm well pleased that we have been in and explored this truly excellent venue. Hope your week has started well, take care...
Monday, June 17, 2013
'the Greek guy who helped me out'.....!
The first thing that strikes you when you walk into the Maritime Museum in Fremantle is the design. From the fabulous ceiling to the three tiered viewing levels. Architects Cox Howlett & Bailey Woodland (excellent link alert!) 'in their own words' describe the ethos of the museum so much better than I ever could. Home to Alan Bond's Australia ll winner of the 1983 America's Cup yacht race, I remember the dispute re the design of the infamous 'winged keel' and enjoyed the story that when Ben Lexcen was accused of stealing the design he countered with "I have in mind to admit it all to the New York Yacht Club that I really owe the secret of the design to a Greek guy who helped me out and was invaluable. He's been dead for 2000 years, bloody Archimedes". Laconic Aussie humour :)
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Maritime Reflections .....
I'm a little embarrassed to say that despite many visits to Fremantle over the years, we've never ventured inside the WA Maritime Museum, that is until Friday, it's seriously fantastic inside and out. I thought I'd start with the outside and head indoors tomorrow, and yes the sky really was that blue, there were no 'touch ups' at all. Below, the steps leading to the upper level viewing area, in the shot to the right you can see how the museum is situated on the tip of Victoria Quay, designed to look straight out to the entrance of the harbor with the two lighthouses on each mole.....
The museum opened in December 2002 and in 2003 won the 'best new tourism venue', you'll see why when you visit :) Even though the rounded structure of the museum isn't anything like the more spiky outline of the Sydney Opera House, the white against the blue, blue sky and water always makes me think about it.....
Saturday, June 15, 2013
One hundred and ten years on......
Oh how I wish I'd taken this shot before last month's theme day :) Below, the Green Lighthouse on South Mole and if you look closely in the distance you'll see the red lighthouse on North Mole. If you scroll down on the link you'll see what the harbour entrance looked like in 1903 when the lighthouses were first built, interesting to see that the basic structure hasn't changed much. The buildings by the lighthouse are the remains of an observation post used during the war.. anti submarine nets were lowered by steel cables to let ships into the harbour and then winched up again, hard to imagine what it must have been like in those times. Hope that you're all set for a wonderful weekend, I'm hoping for a quiet one, catch up today. Take care and stay safe.....
Friday, June 14, 2013
BR, before ROA ...!
The original graffiti artist. The Great Southern Roller Flour Mill built in 1922, heritage listed in 2008 is more often than not referred to as the Dingo Flour Mill, a familiar sight to regular visitors driving along the coast road into North Fremantle the four storey high sign comes with a wee bit of history. Rumored to have been painted by Alan Bond, a signwriter pre 'tycoon' days, it was actually painted in 1940 by artist Les Nash who according to wiki was a British racing driver, hmm! sounds a bit iffy to me :) The sign was painted over during WW2 (a target?) leaving just the faintest outline and later repainted, the whole mill was restored beautifully in 2010 with the dingo now getting a fresh coat of paint monthly, seems a tad excessive, but I guess it does get the brunt of a full salty sea breeze! Happy end of the week, take care..p.s. so ROA wasn't the first to paint oversized wild animals on buildings...interesting oui!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Mechanical giraffes.....!
Where there's two there's usually a herd grazing nearby n'est pas? We went down to Fremantle for lunch yesterday so it's possible that a 'nautically' themed week may lie ahead :) Fremantle Harbour is the busiest port in WA and these 'giraffes' were poised and waiting to unload the many sea containers that come into port every day. Even though there was a long line of ships waiting in Gage Roads there was only one ship actually in port..haven't heard about any strike action so I'm not sure why that was. Btw the weather forecast for yesterday was rain with the chance of storms...I rest my case, the weather is definitely being 'outsourced' :) Happy Thursday, take care.....p.s. isn't that a great spot to sit and read in the bottom shot!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Life is a lot like jazz...!
Who hasn't had the hankering to play a musical instrument of one type or another, and no the comb doesn't count, although this video did make me laugh out loud :) I love a band with a lot of brass, whether it be an upbeat Ska band like the Mighty Mighty Bosstones, or a more traditional big brass band, I have a soft spot for the sounds of the big shiny brass and my fantasy would be to play either the saxophone or the trombone, I have been told I'm full of hot air, it could work haha!! How about you, what instrument would you like to, or can, play? Perth is alive with the sounds of 'winter festival' music right now, tres cool! Happy middle of the week, take care.....
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
9 - 18mm view.....
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