Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Birds and the bees..

Another colourfully bold and beautiful mural on Lake Street by Susan Respinger not far from the portrait mural I showed HERE. Philly the willie wagtail is a regular around the cafes here, not sure about the blue banded bee, I would love to spot one but as yet no luck. I was unaware that the flowers known to moi as everlastings are also known as immortelle flowers, you learn something everyday oui :) Take care and stay safe..

Visit Sami to see more Monday Murals from around the world..



  1. Another beautiful mural by Susan Respinger. Love the wagtail :) We've got one that comes and sleeps under our patio roof after sunset.

  2. That is beautiful, Grace. It would be wonderful to sit in front of it and just enjoy it.

  3. What a wonderful, colorful mural featuring this unique bird. I got to learn about a bird new to me.

  4. It certainly catches the eye with these colors.

  5. Lovely hot colours and a pretty subject. I've got to the stage where the thing I learn every day is outnumbered by the ones I forget.

  6. Lovely colours to brighten the street.

  7. wow so pretty, I like the orange and yellow

  8. Nice place where take a coffee:) ew

  9. Beautiful photos and the perfect quote from Steinbeck to match. He is a genius with words.
