No I didn't make a spelling error in the title :) it is Mundaring Weir
I'm referring too. I have shown the dam before but if you look towards the top of the hill in the shot above you will see the lookout where I am usually standing. Everything we do at the moment has to be done at the
crack of dawn before the heat of the unrelenting sun sets in (around 8am). On such a
walk last week I was amazed to see the dam at almost 60% full.I know we had a lot of rain last winter but this summer has been exceptionally hot right from the get go. 43C today and despite air conditioning and swimming pools that kind of weather for weeks on end is incredibly exhausting..

The red tailed black cockatoos were impossible to get a clear shot of but still enjoyed catching a glimpse of their remarkable colours high up in the trees. Looks like we are in for a bit of respite over the next three days, lower temps and even a 40% chance of showers, I'll believe that when I see it. The list of things to do IF the weather is actually cooler grows exponentially, we'll see :) Happy weekend, take care and stay safe.. P.s I'm doing my best, thanks for sticking with me 💚