Sunday, June 24, 2012

Boardwalk reflections.....

Yesterday was crisp and sunny in Perth, just perfect to sit for five minutes, drink a hot chocolate at San Churros and watch the coming and goings on the boardwalk at Sorrento Quay. This cute little chap below was looking a little glum as dad had been talking on the phone all the way along the boardwalk and back..come on dad, ditch the phone, there's jumping fish to see (there really was, I saw them!!).....
Just when you get out your favorite umbrella, it's all over....!!
A bit of brekkie and a catch up on the headlines.....!!
 and there's always time for a little canoodling.....!!
Sorry I haven't been around much the last few days, I've been trying to get my garden (read jungle) trimmed (read hacked) before real winter weather sets in, sometimes (like now) I think it would be so nice to have a small patio with a few tub trees and flowers or even an apartment with nothing at all, but then when spring and summer come around again, it really is a pleasure to potter out there. I hope that your weekend is going well, take care and stay safe.....


  1. So ein niedlicher Beitrag, super! Und ja, ein Garten macht schon immer Arbeit, aber er schenkt auch so viel...

    Lieben Gruß

  2. I do love your beautiful SUNSHINE!!! Such delightful captures for the day, Gracie! Hope your weekend is going well and that you get your garden ready for the real winter!!


  3. Grace, your little walk is a poem!

  4. Loved the photos - and your conversation is enjoyable, as always! I feel like I am right there along with you! I was having the same lament this morning as I was weeding my garden...maybe it is time to just let it go to grass. Then I remember how much I love the flowers, and I keep weeding!
    Hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend...stay warm!

  5. I've not been around much, either. Had son and daughter-in-law for a week! Great fun.

    This is another of your most delightful posts; filled with energy and interest and beauty and again you pique one's conscience by calling attention to the fact we so often drift through life without really seeing or enjoying the wonderful things around us!

  6. Great reflection photo and I love the birds! My sister-in-law and brother will be in your country in 3 weeks and they are so excited!

  7. Summer does make winter worth while!

  8. Nice to stroll along a boardwalk and observe birdie couples... :)
    God bless you!

  9. Pretty scenes of quiet life! and I love the way you pictured the seagulls! Have a nice week-end!

  10. Preciosas las fotos y la luz del puerto que nos has traído.

    Saludos y un abrazo.

  11. i agree that intense blogging does not leave much space for gardening :)
    wishing you a great weekend

  12. I didn't visit your blog for a while. I notice that I have missed a lot.
    Great pictures! My compliments!

  13. beautiful photos...that Dad really should ditch that cell phone..."talk to the kid Dad"!

    I have the apartment with the patio and the dying plants in pots...even though we've had rain recently apparently it's not been enough...I have several sun scorched plants to recycle...argh!

  14. My biggest grip about electronics...they interfere with normal human communication. C'mon, Dad, is absolutely right.

  15. Great reflection and a lovely stroll along the waterfront. Dad should ditch the phone as little ones grow up too quickly and are gone...

    We have spent the day working in the yard and the garden - well, I spent an hour and husband spent the day - hah! I do love the paths, the hydrangeas, the shades of green, etc.

    Enjoy your weekend!


  16. I agree Dad needs to ditch that mobile and spend a bit of quality time with little junior. Nice to see a touch of sunshine in the west .... Pass it on!

  17. What did people do before cell phones were invented? Nice little set of photos.

  18. Bonza photos, especially the canoodling one :-).

  19. Life as it can, as it should be.

    Please have a good Sunday.

  20. Wonderful Grace but I will pass on the chocolate! Hope that your gardening goes well. I have similar jobs to do but perhaps another day. Enjoy a relaxing and busy (and hopefully not too cold) day in the garden.

  21. Funny I caught a Ladybug umbrella like that today.

  22. Love the brolly! Weather nippy but nice.

  23. Yes, gardens are their own reward and punishment.

  24. your posts are so fun. what crisp shots!

    Potter on, dear pal :-)

    Aloha from Honolulu,
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >

    > < } } (°>

  25. Five minutes just isn't long enough to sit and people-watch! And I have a condo, and miss my yard.

  26. What great shots. Love the two birds in the last one.

  27. Good little tour there! Love the seagulls.

  28. Ee lass yhour weather looks grand - I was going to go and see the Olympic torch passing through a nearby town this monring but the weather is so awful and neither wsill be going to local fete this afternoon - the field will be a quagmire - feel guilty at not supporting them but ...

  29. Nice to see your sunshine, Grace. Mobile phones can be such an intrusion to a day out. I hope he was able to do without it for a while.

  30. Such wonderful glimpses of life round the shoreline! Fun photos! I have one more week at school (just finished crazy report time, so I haven't been visiting as much as usual) and then the holidays begin! I too will be out there in the garden mending its beauty a little (a lot!!!)

  31. Very cool! The seaguls are my favourite shot.

    Yes, I've seen Joe's "Feeder". Amazing, isn't it? He invented a structure to put the camera inside his mouth and it's very funny listening to him describes it all. The clip was quite a big success!

  32. All kinds of activity going on there on the boardwalk.

  33. Nice photos, I feel the same about the garden. We have a jungle in our backyard and I sometimes dream of an appartement with a look at someone else's garden....

  34. It is hard to spend time tending to the garden when the boardwalk beckons.

  35. People watching...great way to spend some relaxing time!

  36. OMG.. is that frog umbrella just the cutest umbrella ever or what. LOL I need one for myself.
