Monday, April 4, 2022



Couldn't resist the cute French bulldog mural adorning the wall of Frenchy's Bubble Tea at Hillarys Boat Harbour. While I prefer my Earl Grey minus the bubbles, bubble tea is hugely popular with the younger crowd, this spot is always buzzing.  How about you, bubbles in your tea or not :) Happy new week, take care and stay safe..

Visit Sami to see more Monday Murals from around the world..


  1. Bubbly water, but not bubbly tea. Neat bulldog.

  2. ...and I have no preference for tea.

  3. There is a new place here which serves bubble tea. I have yet to try it. Soon.

  4. I have never tried it. I like my tea plain.

  5. I am with your on preferring my Earl Gray without bubbles, but that is an appealing mural. Love the dog face.

  6. Hillary's harbor has become one of my favorite places too!

  7. Coffee guy here. Three times per day. Tea, maybe one cup every two weeks.

  8. What a face. I don't care for bubble tea, but go for things like Earl Grey or Irish breakfast. With lots of sugar.

  9. These guys are so cute. I have a client who has 2 french bulldogs. As for the bubble tea I haven't tried it yet.

  10. Unless someone buys bubble tea for me, it is unlikely I will try it ever. It's a sweet little picture.

  11. It made me smilie.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  12. Years ago, pre-"Corinna", bubble-tea was all over here, Grace.
    I don´t think even one survived and for once we cannot even blame the darn virus, people just came to their senses, literally spoken!

    The dog is very cute, though ๐Ÿงก

  13. Never even heard of bubble tea and it would take more than a French bulldog to persuade me to try it. A French mademoiselle, perhaps.

  14. I like the mural but I don't like bubbles in my tea nor French Bulldogs even though they are all the rage at the moment.

  15. Never seen one and am not in the mood to taste one but the bulldog is a cutie indeed.

  16. What a cutie :) Lovely find Grace, thanks for participating in Monday Murals.
    I only tried bubble tea once, but prefer just normal black or herbal tea.

  17. I love it.๐Ÿ˜€ I hope all is well, Diane
