Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Larking around..


It has been a bit of a two months for the family, apart from my eye surgery, much to come to grips with. I kind of lost my blogging mojo along the way but a concerned email from blogger pal in Toronto, thanks Pat, with the advice to look close to home for inspiration gave me the push to step into my garden yesterday to take a few shots of a family of visiting mudlarks aka magpie-larks. Not as flamboyant as the rainbow lorikeets and galahs I usually show, the black and white mudlarks are among my favourite visitors. Mum and dad below right keeping an eye on their youngsters as the cat that's not mine was relaxing with one eye open in the garden also :) If any CDP'ers reading this can let me know what the November theme day subject is I will use that as the return to daily blogging. Hope you are faring well in this crazy world we live in at the moment, take care and stay safe..


  1. I'm so glad to see this post, Grace! What wonderful markings these birds have.
    The November theme is "Great Big Mess" which can be easy or a bit of a challenge.

  2. Really welcome visitors and despite only black and white still colorful.

  3. I have used ny back garden a few times when I was feeling out of touch with my photography. Great to hear that you are on your way back Grace.

  4. Cute little birds dropping by to visit you and see how you're doing. Nice to see you again, Grace. If you can't find the great mess then you can create one. :)

  5. ...remember that common, everyday things for you aren’t for the rest of us.

  6. You really do have a garden for the birds, and I mean that in a good way. Great photos of these larks. Tom is right about these birds being new to us. Heal quickly, and take it easy.

  7. These little larks look full of curiosity Grace. Sorry to read that you have had a bit of a time of it recently. Sending you my best for better times ahead. Rest and inspiration will find you.

  8. Delighted to see this post after my comment earlier today. Lovely blip and glad to hear that all is well as such. I have been using my garden for most of my blogs since COVID began and sometimes it is not so easy. Having said that I have di-one very little blogging over the past three months. The garden has been very busy and the produce has been demanding with dehydrating, bottling and freezing. To add to that I have been busy making biltong, having got the recipe pretty much taped we are eating it and dreaming where we might be in Africa eating it!! Keep well and stay safe, Cheers Diane

  9. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š I've been noticing recently the way mudlarks will take on ravens and cockatoos, much larger than themselves, and chase them away. They also try to attack their own reflections in car windows. I don't think they swoop people, which is just as well.

  10. What beautiful birds, and stunning photos.

  11. Welcome back! Godspeed recovery!
    Lovely captures all!

  12. Welcome Back :) Awesome pics.
    Stay well.

  13. Glad to see your post again! Great pictures as usual,waiting for next!ew:)

  14. I hope that life goes back to normal for you, and that your situation improves. Sincerely

  15. Glad to hear from you again. I agree the world close by is sometimes more beautiful than to go far away. The birds look very nice, I don't recognize them from our world. You have to tell them to fly a bit further to Europe!

  16. So nice to see you are back, Grace, and your eyes are better!
    It seems to be the season for dumb injuries.
    Ohhh, I love these clever birds.
    Yes, please do stay around here!!! ๐Ÿงก

  17. Hello Grace so happy to see your post, I've been checking in to say hi, and knowing you had to rest up your eye situation which I hope is going well. A great big mess is our theme and I know how life gets in the middle of blogging as I was too late to post for the theme this month. Oh well we all do our best every single day it's all we can do! What a sweet Lark this is and I know real well about those kitty cats oops if they get the chance! Take care of YOU and enjoy your world even if it's in your own backyard.

  18. Dearest Grace,
    Welcome back and that with great photos as is usual here!
    Indeed, we live in a crazy world but Pat is so right: look close to home.
    We only can pray for the few idiots that are manipulating the world we live in. In the end; good will always prevail over evil.

  19. Oh Grace what a gift to see you! It's amazing how much we come to rely on our blogging friends every day for connection and warmth. You are certainly someone I feel connected with and think fondly of. My ears perk up whenever I hear news of Perth. You take care. Aloha

  20. Glad to hear that Pat reached out. Sometimes it is hard to blog. I feel like I repeat myself with content, a lot, but I am not quite ready to give it up. Take care!

  21. Glad to see you back Grace. The baby magpie larks are so cute. I have a lark with an injured paw that comes to our garden to eat the seeds I put out for the doves. We just had a wagtail that nested in our garden and had 3 babies that just flew away on Sunday. So wonderful to watch these beautiful birds :) See you Friday Grace.

  22. Cute little guy, looks like he's still got a bit of baby fluff.

  23. What a pretty bird! Glad you see you posting. In case someone hasn't yet let you know, the November theme is "great big mess". That should be easy. Everyone has a mess somewhere.

  24. He is such a pretty bird. Hope to see more of you around, although no pushing.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  25. Hey Grace,
    This is amazing. What a great bird. So fantastic to see how you have could photograph him. Great!!

    Many greetings,

  26. Lovely photographs, I enjoyed seeing them :)

    All the best Jan
