Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Red-tailed black cockatoo..

In Subiaco to have brunch with Aimee at the weekend I was unaware of and delighted to find a new and fabulous red-tailed black cockatoo mural painted by WA artist James Giddy whose murals 'can be found throughout Western Australia, in New South Wales, Queensland as well as internationally in India, America, South Africa and Indonesia'. You may also remember the murals to the side painted in 2017 by Spanish artist Okuda San Miguel that I posted on the blog HERE. In the last shot the view from our table in my new favourite Subiaco cafe Mimosa, diagonally opposite the restaurant in yesterday's post, all round it was a good weekend :) Happy Tuesday, take care and stay safe..

Visit Sami to see more Monday Murals from around the world.. 


  1. Dearest Grace,
    Doing such a mural at that scale is an art in itself!

  2. I love street art!thanks for your beautiful pictures!:) Ew

  3. Wow, that Cockatoo mural is huge, and quite impressive. What a talented artist. Yes, I remember seeing the other mural also. They still look great.

  4. What a beautiful mural. Those gorgeous birds are depicted wonderfully. You had a great view from your table.

  5. We can never have too many large cocky murals.

  6. ...they are huge and beautiful.

  7. With all those murals, I think I would be bumping into things.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  8. Great works of art, they could grace the pages of any ornithological publication.

  9. Beautiful find and great quality time I guess, Grace! 🥰

  10. They are incredible what fantastic and cheerful artwork! A great find to happen upon.
