Thursday, May 20, 2021

Is ten years long enough?

I really would appreciate your input on this question. Kings Park and Botanic Garden yesterday, one of the most inspiring spots to go on a perfect autumn day to ponder the future. I posted my very first pic for Perth Daily Photo ten years ago on the 20th April 2011, Perth has changed and grown in every possible way since then and I have enjoyed very much sharing those changes. My quandary now is whether to carry on in the same format or change it up a bit, or even give up altogether. I know there are many who have been sharing their city for longer than that and I have thoroughly enjoyed visiting. How does Perth Weekly Photo sound to you :) I'm going to have a break to think things over but as I said I would love any ideas you may have for the future of PDP, thank you in anticipation. Happy Thursday, take care and stay safe..


  1. Beautiful shots.

    I would say post when you wish. You don't have to press yourself to do daily. But please don't give it up.

  2. Daily is the way to go. I know it can be tough sometimes but I'm sure you van do it for a bit longer, I mean all you really need is one photo per day.

  3. Beautiful images Grace. Your blog. Do as you wish. Blogging is still better than any social media, even instagram. Your blog is only about 6 months older than mine, and you did a much better job. I kind-of quit mine in slow preparation to move to WordPress.

  4. Of course do as you wish but I personally am very glad to fill the morning with blogging but once in a week is also okay if you still use your camera as much as possible. For storytelling I would more concentrate on old shops and buildings that are on the point of disappearing in your town to be replaced by the future whatever that may be.

  5. Dearest Grace,
    There for sure is no certain way as how to blog and even less, how often!
    It is completely up to the individual, as time is available and the person's life's situation will agree upon.
    Your photos are class!

  6. ...the lense ball image is fabulous.

  7. It's up to you, Grace. One shot a day, pick some new things to photograph.

  8. I would miss you terribly, Grace! As Steffe and Bill said, move to one shot a day. You could always post a few days in advance for when you might be busy and just skip a day when you feel like it! We need our fix of Perth! ;-)

  9. Grace, I love visiting Perth Daily Photo every day. Your photos show Perth in the best light, and are artistic in their own right. Please continue posting if you have the energy to do so. If you need a break, then just say you are "going fishing" for as long as you need. As a fan I have nothing but good wishes for you and your family. Of course any decision is yours to make, so do what makes you happy.

  10. I look forward to your daily offerings of your beautiful city. The areas you visit outside Perth are of interest too. Love everything you do, Grace. Do what is best for you.

  11. Looks like a lovely day.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  12. Please, don't give it (completely) up...!

  13. I would miss my ray of sunshine from the west each morning. I would not worry about repeating anything with a new photo of something you have already displayed. People, me included, forget very easily. How about twice weekly, which should be enough to keep people's interest up. I follow some daily photo bloggers who no longer post daily.

  14. No, please, don´t give up, Grace, I´d miss you badly!
    I always look forward to seeing what and where you´ve been up to. Also Ingo (even if he rarely comments, men, eh, but he reads along, too).
    Weekly would be better than nothing, but oh.
    Even if I could visit... I´d miss your views, your posts, and stories, please stay. ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š

  15. Do as you feel it, it should not become a burden. I've had a few breaks myself, it helped.

  16. Oh, I regonize this feeling so well! I feel the same for a long time already, I started blogging in 2009 and feel I have shared everything and now am repeating myself with old photos. The Covid pandemic will have to do with it too, we are not going anywhere and stay around the house for more of a year. So we can shake hands......

  17. First of all congratulations on your 10th blogging anniversary Grace! It is quite a feat, it can be time consuming too, but always nice to know others are reading our posts and leaving a lovely comment.
    Don't give up, even though I live in Perth, we visit different places and I would miss seeing your beautiful photos. If you can't do it daily, twice a week maybe? Just don't leave us... Was going to message if we could meet up tomorrow, but now something else came up, so we could maybe do it next Friday ?

  18. I almost quit over a year ago, since at that time I had been out of Serbia a bit traveling. I was encouraged by a couple of bloggers not to give up. I now use my phone a bit more rather than lug my big dslr, and have now purchased a smaller but super-effective replacement, the Nikon Z50 mirrorless. And someone said you don't have to post every day, though I'm trying to get into that mode again.

  19. Congratulations on 10th Blogging Anniversary.
    Amazing photos. Keep sharing. Keep Blogging.

  20. No it's not! Do what's most comfortable for you but don't leave us. You provide experiences we could never otherwise have.

  21. I'm coming up on my 13th anniversary and the same thought crossed my mind. However, I really do enjoy the challenge of putting up a post every day. You have to do what is the best for you. I will say that I love seeing your posts. I've learned that Perth is a beautiful place to live or visit and you have presented it to us in the best possible way.

  22. Please do not give up and I never tire of photos in and around Perth. I often think of giving up simply as I do not have the time, but I do not think I could give up completely and I have now been blogging for 11 years. I have met some really nice people through blogging and a few are now really good friends, though some are in other parts of the world it was great to meet up with them.
    I doubt if we will ever make it to Perth even though we have family in Sydney, but I do not expect to ever fly to Ozz again. Getting too old for those long flights and N with Peripheral neuropathy has to have somewhere where he can lie down, Sitting is just out of the question for him for more than a few hours. Need I add the costs of first class are expensive to say the least of it.
    Take a rest and return when you are ready, we will all still be around hopefully.
    Take care and keep safe. Cheers Diane

  23. Hi Grace, what is the size of your glass-sphere (amazing photos, I`m impressed.

  24. Beautiful pictures Grace!! I have had a bad year for blogging and I really missed it!! I enjoy sharing what I see and learning more about things I find for my blog and then visiting all of you! I hope you will stay but you have to do what works for you!! For me, when I’m good about blogging, doing Monday through Friday is easier for me!

  25. I Vote Daily - Cant Think Of One Post That Where I Thought, Boring - I Surely Don't Recall Pondering Why Are You Showing Me This Building Again - So Count Me In For Daily Beach Photos - Amazing Festivals - Art Installations - And For A Decade Now, I'm Totally Hooked

    Keep Capturing The Urban West,

  26. Even if you publish one photo a day, I would enjoy keeping you in my life on a daily basis! I have been blogging longer than that, and sometimes it just evolves. You Muse on it, and do what's right for you. But I would certainly miss you if you stopped blogging dear Grace ✨

  27. I can understand you considering once a week, even I would find it hard to blog every day, life gets in the way. Go with whatever is best for you.

  28. I can’t imagine putting up a daily post! In the beginning ....around the time you started, I did post almost daily...I found it easier in the summer when I was in My Colorado home....but we are not talking about me!

    Your pictures are so pretty and I have learned so much about Perth, but I will continue to come here even if it is only weekly. Like Claudia , I would like to keep you in my life...Janey

  29. Your blog is just seven days older than mine! I really enjoy your sunny photos - I know clear blue skies may be boring for you to photograph, but they're very welcome here! I refuse to be tied to any kind of schedule now that I'm retired, so I quite understand if you post whenever the mood takes you. But I know I'll look forward to every post.

  30. Congrats on the anniversary Grace. I have been in this same place on several occasions. If you give up blogging you will give up venturing and photographing and you are sure to miss it. I find it is not so much doing your own posts but visiting others that is too time consuming, and you do post wonderfully thoughtful comments. For me weekly posting and commenting was the way to go until that too became burdensome so I am currently on an extended break. I have found Instagram to be a good way to share photos and brief thoughts. It is undemanding but doesn’t foster the same level of connection as traditional blogging. Maybe take a break and see how you feel.

  31. Congrats on the anniversary Grace. I have been in this same place on several occasions. If you give up blogging you will give up venturing and photographing and you are sure to miss it. I find it is not so much doing your own posts but visiting others that is too time consuming, and you do post wonderfully thoughtful comments. For me weekly posting and commenting was the way to go until that too became burdensome so I am currently on an extended break. I have found Instagram to be a good way to share photos and brief thoughts. It is undemanding but doesn’t foster the same level of connection as traditional blogging. Maybe take a break and see how you feel.

  32. Ingo got such a ball/sphere yesterday, boy is that thing heavy! How do you work with it, Grace? Grey and cold here, so no intention to try it out today.
    You come back, blogging, right? Please? Well, I know it´s supposed to be fun. But.. I miss you.

  33. Wonderful photos in today's post, Grace. I think you should do what you want regarding blogging. Daily blogging is such a big commitment. Sometimes I don't feel like all my efforts are worth it.

  34. Hello Grace, although I don't visit your blog every day when I do visit I so enjoy seeing your photographs.
    How about doing just one photograph a day or just Monday to Friday and having a break at the weekend.
    Blogging has to suit you and I'm sure that your blogging friends will always pop in to see you :)

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  35. Huge congratulations on ten inspiring years, Grace. Well done! It's your blog, as you can see by the comments so far, you'd be missed daily but everyone seems to agree: Do what you want, when you want - just keep doing it, please. :-)

  36. it's always a great pleasure to discover your city through your eyes. And you still have inspiration. It's interesting to see the way city changes. and I can't get enough of the images you send. And yes, the cycle of the seasons, the events that come back, it creates sweet habits and a kind of familiarity that is very pleasant

  37. Oh dear I vote for you to stay I would miss you and your lovely captures. You have a wonderful eye and your bits of history are a great interest of mine and others I’m sure. Blogging is enjoyable at your own pace and desire and changing things up keeps our muse alive! Taking breaks (like I just did on this recent trip) is refreshing beyond words. Take care and refresh.

  38. Your images today are as breathtaking as ever especially your first shot!

  39. Fabulous shots. I would like you to continue but daily is a bit of a grind. Once a week would be fine.

  40. I'm a big fan of once a week (or once whenever the mood strikes!). Daily seems like too much work and too big of a time commitment to me personally, but I always look forward to my weekly posts. Keep up the great work!

  41. Grace I love your photos. It is a way to keep seeing you from the other side of the globe. You are an amazing photographer and blogger. Your photos make me smile and think.
