Friday, February 5, 2021

Cygna.. A modernist interpretation..


There's a new sculpture in town! On the corner of Hay and Pier Street the 6 metre high curves and dips of  'Cygna' created by artist Jon Tarry. When people passing were asked what they thought the sculpture might represent the replies varied from 'a wave' to 'a slippery dip' and everything in-between, no one guessed the artist's modernist interpretation of a black swan and the Swan River, but the artist is alright with that, in his words 'there's no wrong answer, there's no right answer. It really is there to prompt discussion.' I say bravo Mr Tarry, it certainly is doing that. Personally I love curves and I love blue and I'm not baffled by art that makes me think, so it's a big thumbs up from moi ๐Ÿ’™ As the aforementioned river is close I wonder if the artist had called it 'Swan River' there would have been less bafflement :) certainly less discussion! Happy Friday, take care and stay safe.. P.s. baffled.. love that word, definitely going to use it more  :)


  1. Dearest Grace,
    Not very recognizable as being a Black Swan and the Swan River. Signo means Swan in Italian so not even his naming gives any clue.

  2. ...I just think that it looks neat!

  3. He certainly hasn't made it too obvious, though the name does give a hint in that "cygnus" is the scientific name for "swan", "cygna", I presume, is the feminine.

  4. Yes, that is a great modern sculpture, and no, it does not say "swan" to me. But that is just fine.

  5. Sleeker than the thing they call a sculpture in Grand Rapids, MI.
    I still don't get twisted metal sculpture.

  6. A bit too much wide-angle for my taste. You should shoot it as a panorama.

  7. It is quite graceful.

  8. Very modern!
    Now do I like it or not?
    I'm still not sure...

    All the best Jan

  9. It reminds me a bit of one or two pieces here.

  10. There is a tiny hint in the name "Cygna". I love the shape and color. It looks very tactile. Makes me want to touch it.

  11. The name hints at swan, but I can't see the similarity ๐Ÿ˜. It's pretty though and I like the blue. I've seen a similar one, if I'm not mistaken it's at Cygnia Cove, a newish suburb near my work.

  12. I really like it, it's very clever.

  13. That should be well anchored in the ground and I think it's a bit of a shame about the color blue because it creates distance between you and the artwork. Not very attractive.

  14. Well it attracts attention anyway with its colour! You must have been flat on your knees to make the photos! :)

  15. Glad the artist is cool with interpretations, Grace. That´s what art is about, right.

  16. Swan!!! no not recognisable, I am not at all sure I like modern interpretations of things! Stay safe, Diane
