Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Up to the top and down again... and again!

It's official.. my camera is in for repairs. Looks like I will be without it for at least four weeks. Aimee kindly lent me her camera yesterday which I took full advantage of by spending the morning in the city. Walking through Yagan Square I was mega impressed by the stamina of the super man above running up and down the steps, my guess is he is either police or fireman in training. I was pretty pleased with my own step-count and eight sets of stairs which I climbed at a dignified pace 😉 Happy Tuesday, take care and stay safe..


  1. ...built before accessibility was a thought!

  2. Very fit man indeed to attempt running up and down those steps. I think I've only climbed them once...

  3. Those stairs will definitely give you a good workout.

  4. When I will be able to run up these stairs ... I will be able to participate in the Olympic Games as well! LOL

  5. I'm proud of you for 8 sets, Grace! I usually do stair climbing but since the virus hit I have been avoiding the ones I use since it is a well used set of stairs. I think I have lost all my fitness.

  6. What an interesting, um, conglomeration? Your camera is at the spa!

  7. That's pretty impressive Grace. I'm rubbish at climbing stairs anymore.

  8. More zooming please and how did he negotiate coming down the stairs. Stairs....nah. That's why god invented lifts.

  9. Dearest Grace,
    That is a lovely spot for doing some serious training!
    You sure did well yourself.

  10. Yikes. I'm not a fan of climbing stairs.

  11. Running down the stairs can't be good for his knees.

  12. Four weeks, oh, Grace, so you join me, huh. Still haven´t heard anything from mine and Ingo´s has a problem focussing (or I am too dumb).
    I´d definitively be way too lazy to run those steps up and down!
    And, no. Sexy he might be, but, hey, wear a shirt and hat!

  13. Wonder what that building is. Part of a station, a church or just a burst of architecture next to that staircase.

  14. Buenas escaleras, pra hace ejercicio. Se ve que el protagonista, de la foto está en forma de tanto bajarlas y subirlas.

    Espero que se resuelva el problema de tu cámara de fotos.


  15. Eight sets of stairs?! Impressive! Nice pics too.

  16. I watched such a super athlete here this morning. I just go along at my own rate to keep moving.

  17. All of my walking is dignified these days.
