Monday, May 25, 2020

Sirens of the sea..

Along the Burns Beach walk last week where I was lucky enough to snap a shot of the sweet little fairy wren here, I also discovered a new mural painted earlier this year by Perth artist Kylee Larson on the ocean side wall of Sistas Burns Beach. What could be more appropriate a stones throw from the Indian Ocean than a pair of willowy sirens of the sea. I love that they are swimming around the view of the ocean in the cafe window 🌊 As I type the storm is swirling about outside my window, am hoping all is still where it should be when I step outside in the morning :) Happy Monday, take care and stay safe..



  1. Oh my gosh, this is wonderful! I like your new seasons photo for your blog header, it's just as stunning as ever.

  2. Willowy is the perfect word to describe these mermaids swimming around. Very nice indeed.

  3. The mural was well designed for the place.

    Good luck in the storm Grace.

  4. Lovely mermaids, Grace! I hope the storm is not too bad.
    I just finished watching Restoration Australia and they were doing the Paganin house in Perth. Fabulous stuff!

  5. Big storm coming your way, stay safe!

  6. Well done ... the mermaids with the long hair ...
    So ... the fairy tales exist!
    Wishing you a great week! 🤗

  7. That is a most artistic mural. Excellent find. Have a good week and stay healthy.

  8. Hello,
    What a funny shots. Nice with the reflection in the windows and a wonderful paint on the wall.

    Greetings, Marco

  9. A pleasant and appropriate mural. While they work, I wonder what made the artist add the blue dots.

  10. Storm is swirling, how poetic! I like the graphic nature of that art, and the mermaids of course.

  11. To a North American, what could be more exotic than an beach on the Indian Ocean? It's so unimaginable. But so was the first time I drove in rural Australia and a family of kangaroos hopped across the road in front of us.

  12. Such sinuous mermaids with their hair trailing all over the wall and around the windows. Beautiful image.

    be well...mae at

  13. Elles sont tout à fait charmantes ces sirénes. La vue sur la mer me manque c'est tout ce dont je rêve en ce moment

  14. Are your "real" Mermaids still active? I haven´t seen them lately!
    My Big Niece - back then - sure was fascinated by one greeting her! On a video I took at Fringe.
    All good in your place? Storm didn´t do that much, I hope...

  15. It's the perfect decoration. Lovely mural.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  16. This reminds me of an Australian series about mermaids that became popular here in the Philippines. the title is H20:Just add water :) Lovely mural Grace!

  17. Great artwork. One day I hope to meet a real mermaid.

  18. Perfect window decoration Grace, such a cute mural.
    Thanks for participating.
    The storm didn't do any damage around our area, hope it was ok in your area too.

  19. I love the mermaids, I have one tattooed on my right arm.

  20. Oh Grace, you found such an incredible mural surrounding those windows. I could almost feel the movement of the mermaids as they swam around that wall. It's an incredible find.

  21. I like this mural that surrounds the window with nice reflections.

  22. Lovely mural, I can feel the sea gently floating about them. Though I guess in the storm it was not too gentle.
