Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter Sunday visitors..

It was a quiet Easter Sunday morning.. until the rainbow lorikeets arrived for breakfast, gosh they are noisy little birds en masse! They are beautiful to see though and I find it hard to resist a shot or two each time they visit, hope you don't get tired of seeing them. We really missed our family picnic this year, it has been a tradition for as long as I can remember for both sides of my family to gather in a nearby park and celebrate all together. This year we caught up through the magic of technology, not quite the same as running about in the fresh air.. the picnic hopefully just postponed until we are able to get out and about again. How did you celebrate Easter Sunday in these extraordinary circumstances the world finds itself in? Happy Monday, take care and stay safe..


  1. ...colorful to say the least! I hope that you had a wonderful Easter, Grace.

  2. Que bonics que son !!
    Aquest any toca celebrar-ho a casa, pensant en els que hi son i en els que no hi son... el pròxim , esperem que sigui millor !.
    Salut :)

  3. One of my favorite sights on your blog are these beautiful creatures. They are perfect Easter visitors. I will be attending an "on-line" get-together later today. You are so right, it's not the same but it will have to do.

  4. I would never get tired of seeing these beauties, Grace! Happy Easter. I have stayed in touch with older relatives by phone and others by internet.

  5. Beautiful birds. Happy Easter, Grace

  6. Glad you were able to use tech to have some kind of fun. That's cool. Love, love, love the pictures. That first one, stunning.

  7. Thank you for deleting us with these feathered clowns

  8. Beautiful, delightful birds. Well, it's certainly a new kind of Easter for us all. I just finished decorating a cake, it's my hubby's birthday today, and as a family we all got on our devices and joined a private Zoom group just for us (everyone sang Happy Birthday) my oldest grandchild in Washington State who just joined the Air Force was on as well, we had nine boxes of us all across the screen (like the Brady Bunch) if you ever saw that show. We're all playing board games, puzzles and etc. playing with all the animals in our family (who have really been getting the attention) with everyone home. Dinner is in the oven, we all plan to eat about the same time as well. We can Zoom together like being in the same house! I hope you had a wonderful Easter as best as can be during all this.

  9. Your colourful visitors make the day not as lonely I imagine.

  10. Hubby and I are having ribs for Easter.

  11. Oh those are quite lovely and colourful, definitely cheer up the day don't they?

  12. Terrific photos of this amazing bird. It has fantastic colors.

  13. Gorgeous photos of such colourful birds.

  14. Oh I like these so much, those colours! You made some wonderful photos of them.

  15. You had a beautiful and colorful visit!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Enjoy the new week! 🤗

  16. Visitors from paradise. Now only the sound.

  17. GRACE! LOOK AT THOSE COLORS!!! How wonderful it is to see such magical creatures on your own home! Oh if that was here in the Philippines, oh it just won't happen here HAHA I so love it and I feel so thankful for taking these shots and sharing them. They made me super happy :)

  18. Gorgeous photos Grace. We have a bunch of them living in a tall tree behind our neighbours house. They come and steal fruit from our trees - figs, grapes and loquots.

  19. I´ll never get tired of these sweet guys, Grace.
    Easter... phone call with Bro, FB-chat with MIL, that was all.

  20. Wow Grace, these are soooo beautiful !

  21. Much less colourful than yours, the birds here seem to be getting comfortable. I see them chirping unsuspectingly on the window sill, and it's very Ä—mouvant, as if they're taking over the world.
