Monday, January 27, 2020

WA unlimited..

I remember the first time I saw the WA Unlimited  exhibition at Art Gallery WA the paintings by Badimaya First Nation artist Julie Dowling brought tears to my eyes.. it's not often you see such intensity of expression looking straight back at you.. I would love it if you would embiggen and read the words, the links also.. the words are so important..

The work here by Nyoongar artist Sandra Hill also tells of the feelings of displacement for those who lived under the shocking Assimilation Policy. Two eminent Australian artists telling it as it was/is. It was Australia Day yesterday, no fireworks to see here ✨ Happy Monday, take care and stay safe..


  1. Must be a wonderful exhibition Grace.
    I didn't go and watch the fireworks this Australia Day either. Just resting.

  2. Canada is beginning to come to grips with the residential schools we thrust upon the aboriginal children of this country. It will take a long time to move past the damage we did to the first people of this land,

    This art work is so important and hauntingly beautiful.

  3. Sandra Hill's art really makes a powerful statement. Sounds like a great exhibition and something I would enjoy. Thanks, Grace for sharing these wonderful artists work.

  4. I think that is a wonderful exhibition, Grace!
    Thanks for sharing šŸ¤—

  5. It sounds like an amazing exhibition that I would have love to see. I would also have been (as I so often am) ashamed of my countries policies.
    (Visiting as another change the day Princess).

  6. Sounds and looks like a great exhibition, Grace!

  7. Sure that the exhibition must be interesting. Glad that there were no fireworks for Australia Day!!!! Have a good week, Diane

  8. It's great to see this moving exhibition created from their personal experience. Unfortunately, there was and still is, so much injustice in the world.

  9. A point well made by Julie Dowling.

  10. There are some pretty powerful images here as well as statements made by the artist. The injustice that has been served to people all over the world is so troubling. It's so important that we are reminded.

  11. Great art, Grace. Harsh words in the first one, too. Is it really ignorance, or even arrogance.
    If it was ignorance they would not ask her, would they?
    It is sad how slow some things go, or even come back, like over here the hatred from some (and often muslims) against the Jewish people. Or women. Or gay people... the list could go on and on.
    Ignorance to me is rather when people live here in third generation and still speak only Turkish, but no German. That so much is translated to Turkish, that those who refuse get people who translate for them in court even.
    Guess every country has it´s issues (take Spanish, Greek, Asian etc people here, they all speak proper German.)
    This cerftainly is a bit off-topic, or is it?
    Your last, "Home-maker #4" sure shows ignorance clearly. But somehow from both sides, no?

  12. Une belle expo, j'aime beaucoup le travail de Julie Dawling !

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