Tuesday, December 3, 2019

'An inconvenient heatwave'..

Getting broiled in the daytime
And slow-cooked at night,
Could it be that
Al Gore was right?

It has been a hot couple of days in WA with more to follow.. the sky relentlessly blue, hot winds blowing in from the desert. It's been a while since summer started on time, December usually being relatively cool. The party is over, let's have another coffee šŸ˜‰ Happy Tuesday, take care and keep cool..


  1. Al Gore WAS right. I'm freezing here and you are broiling. Seems unfair.

  2. That sky and white sand make me envious. However, not for the heat. Take care.

  3. Ooooo coffee on a hot day? No thanks but a cuppa tea always cools me down.

  4. Nice beach.
    Remember Al Gore is a politician. I tend to believe scientists who base their work on facts.

  5. I'll take an iced coffee on a day like that. Thankfully we don't experience those kinds of temps.

  6. We have a lot of snow which is also unusual for December. It doesn't look good for the earth's climate.

  7. Yup...I think Al Gore was right. Now you will have to do your Christmas shopping in a heat wave.

  8. No problem keeping cool here right now. But Al Gore was certainly a lot righter than Trump, he's wrong in so many ways.

  9. ,,,this sure doesn't sound like December to me! Those shpts are GREAT, I'll have to try that when I arrive in Maui.

  10. You are having a heat wave while I am chilled in New England, here to take care of two cute little girls for a couple of weeks.

  11. Part of our country is getting hit with blizard. Not the dairy queen type.
    Coffee is on

  12. We could do with some warmth here, but just a little bit.

  13. Summer in Hawaii was rather hot as well. Now we are enjoying somewhat cooler November breezes, rain, rainbows and sunshine. So great to be home

  14. Can you please put a bit of sun rays and heat in an envelope and send it to me? Thank you for your warm thoughts!

  15. Great capture, Grace.
    Oh, I´d so love to join you! Crappy weather here.
    Thank you big for cheering me up with that blue sky!
    (And yes, I know what you actually mean, but I´m freezing my butt off here ...)

  16. Don't really know what to say with all that absurd weather but let then find joy in those decorated cups.

  17. Hello Grace,
    Very special to see this kind of warm weather at this time of the year.
    But enjoy of it on this lovely place on the beach. Nice shots of the cups of coffee.

    Greetings, Marco

  18. Send some warmth to me please, it is getting colder here, especially walking in the dark evening watching a light festival brrrr....

  19. Climate change is even affecting coffee growing... worth fighting for. Love seeing two cups; that means a friend is near! Janis GDP

  20. Such a perfect beach photo! By now I have seen many beaches, some like that, some different. But as a child that is how I always imagined the ocean which I had never seen.

    best.... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  21. It was hot, hot indeed. Nice bench photo Grace.

  22. I could do with a bit of that sunshine - frost here this morning! Hope all is well Diane

  23. Second photo is a winner in my book.
