Wednesday, December 18, 2019

All I want for Christmas..

What happened to 'all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth' :) Great excitement yesterday when my neighbour had a pool put in.. I imagine with the weather we are having lately there are more than the normal amount of swimming pools flying through the air. The preparation took all day, the pool when it arrived took 15 mins to plop into place. To get the pool over the electricity wires and the house a bigger than normal crane was used, that's the pool above swinging by over my garage, holding my breath I watched with my super excited eleven year old neighbour.. it brought back memories of my two, much younger, when we had our pool put in.. 30 years ago, how time flies. Happy Wednesday, take care and stay safe..


  1. are welcomed to use our pool, but it's covered with ice and snow!

  2. I'm assuming from the different depth at one end from the other that it's going to be a full sized pool you can dive into.

  3. My goodness, I've never seen a pool installed like this before. Here they dig a big hole and plaster it in and then trim with tiles. This is very interesting.

  4. Wow, I'm glad that went smoothly and safely! Hope Australia will have enough water to keep the pool full.

  5. I've always wondered which costs more, the pool or the crane rental.

  6. That is a large crane to get the pool in place. Perhaps your neighbors will invite you over for a swim when it gets up and running. Dramatic photos.

  7. Hope it will cools off enough with your high temperatures.

  8. My two year old grandson would have loved to watch that event, Grace. He loves everything about trucks, cranes etc.

  9. I assume that you never have to heat your pools like we do here.

  10. Wow, I never knew or saw a pool installed like this before. Interesting to see. Before you know it, you'll be attending the neighbor's pool party. :)

  11. Things have obviously got bigger than two front teeth. šŸ˜ Take care Diane

  12. I can just imagine the 11 year old thinking all her Christmases had come at once - LOL. I know when I was growing up we were very envious of those who had a pool.

  13. What an exciting day for your neighbor. I guess Christmas gifts are getting bigger each year.

  14. A lot of work for that pool! Wow!

  15. Just as a neighbour across the road from us has a spa removed. I wonder how they secure the shell to prevent it from popping up, that is floating, if there is a lot of water under it and it's empty. I've seen a septic tank that floated up and it was concrete. Not a pretty sight.

  16. I never heard that saying of the front teeth, but my big Niece sure would understand, she lost half of one when crashing from her bike, sadly no milk tooth (but the dentist did a great job).

    Now you can switch brollies now and then, Grace, LOL! Or rather the brollies do that by themselves ;-)
    If a smaller, red one joins in some day, let me know, might be ours!

  17. still dream for such a pool ...
    I have a very small pool that my husband is going to pump in the summer ... better something than nothing! Right? šŸ˜…
    Have a nice day Grace! Has the Christmas tree been decorated already?!

  18. Que venha o bom tempo para dar utilizaĆ§Ć£o Ć  piscina.
    Um abraƧo e continuaĆ§Ć£o de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  19. That must be refreshing a pool in the garden. Your heatwave is in the news here, hope you can stay cool.

  20. Wow, now that is something to see!
