Saturday, November 23, 2019

Smoke and mirrors..

It's been a while since our last visit to Crown Casino, I had forgotten how glitzy it is. Definitely not my habitat of choice but we were there for a special event, which turned out to be unique in many ways as well.. show you tomorrow. Couldn't pass up the opportunity of a quick weekend reflection and glass of wine in La Vie before the 'event'. Happy weekend, take care and stay safe..P.s. there was no smoke :)


  1. Nice reflections Grace. Thanks for the lovely day at Ikea :)

  2. Looks like a really sharp place.

  3. That is a lot of mirror, and very colourful too.

  4. Great shapes and reflections in your photo.

  5. That is a great photo! Love the blend of reflection and reality.

  6. This does look like a very fancy place! I like it.

  7. That's a very good shot. I like the reflection of Christmas lights outside. I sometimes wonder if people think us photographers are a bit strange when we take inside photos.

  8. It was very informative and wonderful. Thank you

  9. Cool reflection, Grace, inside out!
    And La Vie, who can resist la vie, oui!
    Here luckily no smoking inside anywhere. A Happy weekend to you, too :-)

  10. Great captured.
    Have a nice weekend.

  11. Pleased to see you found something to photograph at the casino. Your casino is not nice, ours is even less nice, but Sydney's takes the crown for un-niceness.

  12. It's a great reflections picture. You made a very beautiful picture Gracie. The place seems to be "très chic" It looks primed and luxurious but particularly well matched with alcohols of all kinds

  13. Looks indeed a bit to glitzy. No cozy sight but very cold.

  14. Hello,
    Very nice picture of the Casino bar. Always nice to go to for a visit.
    But do not take too much money with you from home, because you often lose it there.

    Best regards,

  15. It sure does have excellent views! Your reflection capture is wonderful.
