Sunday, November 17, 2019

Horsing around..

Crossing over to the Perth Cultural Centre to visit Art Gallery WA a few days ago I was amazed to come across the humongous rocking horse in front of Myers in Forrest Chase. It's no Trojan horse but it's big, it's bold and it's really a bit beautiful to behold. Perth is definitely styling it up this Christmas :) I was determined not to show Christmas decs until December but hey, it made a super cool reflection. Definitely no more until December, maybe not even then đŸ˜‰ Happy Sunday, take care and stay safe.. P.s. Big catch up today..


  1. I love it! There are decorations all over town here too. Tomorrow is the Santa Claus Parade which marks the beginning of Santas in the malls for the kids to visit!

  2. That's a huge horse, very impressive.

  3. I so enjoy my time in Perth with you, G⭐

  4. Beautifully done! I'm reminded of large scale reindeer I've seen in a mall here at Christmas time.

  5. Pretty cool isn't it.

  6. nice! A bit of a different idea for celebrating Christmas for sure.

  7. Very nice reflection. Wonder how the kids looks to use this rocking horse.

  8. Wonderful piece of art. Most unusual.

  9. The Christmas rocking horse is very nice, I can imagine it will look superb once all lit up :)

  10. It would be hard not to have them show up since they are everywhere right now. I was out yesterday too and saw lots and lots of decorations.

  11. Yes, it is huge. Beautiful? I's have to see it in person.

  12. Owwww... beautiful horse! My Nieces would be so thrilled!

  13. Yes, again your art displays about for Christmas are fresh and exciting!
