Thursday, December 6, 2018

'A smooth sea never made a skilful sailor'..

Taking the shot above I was buffeted and almost blown off my feet. Later taking the shots below standing in the shelter of the South Mole Lighthouse I watched a variety of vessels heading out of the safety of the harbour to battle the waves whipped up by the gale force winds. I read that a phobia is not a real fear, it is an 'irrational' fear. I beg to differ, whether you call it thalassophobia or aquaphobia it is super real! There is no way in the world you would get me out there on a boat even on a calm day ever! Do you have any phobias you are willing to share :) Happy Thursday, take care and stay safe..


  1. The water looks quite choppy!

    When I was ten or eleven, I was going up a fire tower in our cottage country. Halfway up I froze. It wasn't the height that bothered me, it was the feeling of falling. I forced myself to go up, came back down, went up again, and so on until the fear was gone.

  2. Not a big fan of water although I can swim.
    Coffee is on

  3. Not a fan of rough seas or being on a boat in rough seas.

  4. That looks a little rough, Grace. The sea definitely has something to say.

  5. Interesting, you do not like boats and you do not like flying, I am just wondering how you are ever going to come and see us šŸ¤” The only thing that really gets me is big spiders and even that has become easier in France as the biggest ones are not that fast. Take care Diane

  6. There's nothing irrational about preferring dry land to being out on those seas! It always amazes me that people used to venture out on the oceans and sail around the world in little wooden ships.

  7. 20 years afloat was enough for me!

  8. I'm a bit like you - not a fan of flying and not comfortable in a boat. I also won't stand on glass floors in tall towers!

  9. I can tell from all those white caps that the wind was really whipping things up. I have pretty much the same fear of deep water. I will go out on a boat from time to time but not without some trepidation and never on a windy or stormy day.

  10. What a beautiful shot of the sea. I don't have a phobia of being on water as such but don't choose to do it because I can't get off and go home when I am bored which takes next to no time. Christmas parties on boats .... yuk!

  11. It looks very rugged. While I don't really have a fear of heights, once I froze on our rooftop when I was painting. I had to wriggle my way on my stomach up the steep roof to a safe area.

  12. I would not go out there either. I took a dolphin cruise a few years ago and that was enough for me! lol

  13. I know why I'm not a sailor!

  14. Water looks beautiful. Being on the ocean is quite a bit of fun. I only prefer to go out so far in small craft though. the farther out -- the larger the vessel.

  15. My husband is a lifelong mariner. I totally trust him because he looks at seas like that and says it's stupid to voluntarily head into them.
    Both of us have trouble with heights. Unexpected ledges, ramps, open stairs can really panic me.

  16. I´m with you on both, Grace - though a rough sea looks so beautiful! And feels good, when standing on land :-)

  17. I am so glad you mentioned the phobia, I feel the same...and have it already from when I was a little child. It is a fear very deep inside and never went away. Unfortunately I was born in the wrong country, it is below the sealevel and has lots of canals and water everywhere :)

  18. I'd be OK out there on the choppy waves on the QE2 but not on a little boat. Husband used to have a sailboat, I didn't like it at all. Phobias? Well, I'm not keen on spiders, or snakes but I can manage them.

  19. Let’s see Grace,,,you don’t like to go by plane or boat...and you live so very far from everywhere! I share your fear of choppy water. We use to have a sailboat...and we were one life jacket short on one outing. A storm came up and I was unconsolable. One gal offered me her life jacket. She couldn’t swim and I could...and I am embarrassed to say I took it!!

  20. It looks rough! I’d could do it but rather not!

  21. Yep, hold on to your hats, and well just hold on! Wild and true Lovely colors of blue ride!
