Sunday, October 21, 2018

Six birds sitting in the trees..

They are up there, among the fresh spring foliage on the tall trees in the Central Park garden, looking down on the group of young school children walking in pairs hand-in-hand with their teachers through the city. Despite all the building going on in Perth right now there are still some spots that remain a peaceful oasis amidst the chaos 🌳  Happy Sunday, take care and stay safe..


  1. Ah, there's the sixth! Too me a moment. Excellent shot!

  2. I only found four, need to conduct a search to find the missing two. :)

  3. ...I had to enlarge it to see the sixth.

  4. I see your Spring and welcome you to my Fall <3

  5. Trees make a huge difference don't they? Nice pic, Grace.

  6. Schön das zarte Grün der Bäume.

  7. Looks nice with the leaves and branches overhanging the seating areas.

  8. The new green of spring is lovely!

  9. I think I may even see a seventh. Two on the top right branch (one in closer to the trunk), three below them, and two in the upper left.

  10. Awww, Grace, that lush green, such a beautiful sight - can´t wait for that to come again here!
    To me it always reflects how I feel, hence now rather... dry and old ;-)
    Oh, my. Will I recognise anything in Perth at all???

  11. You had me looking for the birds too. I think there is nothing nicer in the city than the patches of green among the hard surfaces.

  12. The green looks very fresh a prlude for summertimes!

  13. I bet there were more just out of your photo range!!!!!
    Lovely picture. I really like that fresh spring green, such a contrast to the reds and golds of autumn here in Ontario, Canada.

  14. Beautiful spring foliage. Think I see 7 or 8 birds in those trees, but perhaps I'm just seeing things. It is a peaceful shot.

  15. I am trying to catch up with comment but it will be slow. Have a good week Diane

  16. Always nice to see birds and trees … I liked the school children's caps too!

    All the best Jan

  17. So pretty! I am already missing the green, everything is brown here..,lol

  18. I give up, I could only spot five, but wow what a great day to be out and about there!
