Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Messing about in boats..

Well not quite boats, more like a canoe and body-board :) It's the first week of school hols and as always there are many things organised to keep kids happy. Here at Hillarys Boat Harbour there are  all sorts of activities, from a huge blue blow-up shark slide, a petting zoo, AQWA etc. but the three boys here were having so much fun in the spring sunshine messing about in the water on family friendly Stillwater beach, not costing their parents a cent..  gotta love that 😉 Happy Wednesday, take care and stay safe..


  1. Great fun playing in the water. Most small boats are really just water toys. Happy Wednesday, and thanks for your recent comment.

  2. It looks like a fine day to be out on the water.

  3. I spent a lot of my youth doing just that, though as it was in England we tried to keep out of the water unless it was mid-summer.

  4. Fun shots Grace. I remember playing in shallow water like that when I was a kid. I guess they are gearing up for summer!

  5. Awww, looks like they're having fun. The first shot I thought they were much further out and as you pulled back, I could see they were in the shallows. Smart to play in the shadow-- no sunburn.

  6. Carefree! I love these pics, Grace!

  7. While it may look warm and sunny, I think the water would be quite cold. Good on the kids having fun in the water.

  8. The weather looks good but bet the water is still pretty cool!! For me anyway! Take care Diane

  9. Water fun. When I was young, my sisters and I always went to the beach and swam for hours. It was a lot of fun.

  10. Kids left to their own devices will find a way to have fun. We always did.

  11. It's wonderful seeing children and well adults as well enjoying themselves out and about with nature!

  12. Your title for this post is perfect! Kids and water, they just seem to go together.

  13. Sure looks like nice day on water
    Coffee is on

  14. Great what the city always does and for free, too, Grace!
    But sometimes it´s the simple things that keep kids happily entertained and that, I think, is wonderful :-)
    Awww, the colors, can´t wait to tough the water (if likely only with my toes). It´s so cold here (or I´m just too used to the heat).

  15. Isn't it not to cold yet? Looks very summerly suddenly!

  16. So much to do for free. Even though it's been warm I think the water might be least for me it is!

  17. Lindo e as águas estão tranquilas.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  18. Playing by a jetty, brings back good memories of childhood holidays.

  19. My son just bought a boat so I foresee lots of happy days messing about with water and boats for my grandies! Great pictures of kids having so much fun. Wish I was in that shallow water messing about with them!!!

  20. Wouldn't we all love to be a kid again (at times!) to be able to "mess around" with free time.

  21. Always fun playing in the water...
    Liked your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  22. Messing about in the water and with boats are a couple of the very best things to do, especially if you're young enough to do it with abandon.

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