Thursday, December 15, 2016

Perth.. enthusiastic appreciation!

A few weekends ago we were picnicking in Bardon Park in Maylands, the occasion my great niece's fifth birthday. Whenever I find myself on the banks of the Swan River I look to see if there's a different view of the city and here it is.. still lush despite the heat, the proximity to the river makes all the difference. So there I was snapping away when up jumped a man, a visitor to Perth, who had been sitting with his girlfriend by the side of the river.. throwing his arms expansively in the air he raved 'look, look around, the clean air, the view, you don't know how lucky you are!'  My response 'oh yes, yes I do'. What I didn't say was that I share that beauty on an almost daily basis.. wonder what he would have thought of that :) Happy Thursday, take care and stay safe...



  1. That looks like a lovely place to have a picnic. It would have been interesting to hear his response to that.

  2. My wonderful friends ( twin brothers ) in Melbourne are celebrating their 60th B-Day today. We will Skype later in the day. They just started swimming in their pool and they are more than happy to rub it in my face. We here in Colorado woke up to -7C.

    Thanx so much for posting a lush green garden area and I dig the city skyline. Enjoy the rest of your week and thanx for being you.


  3. We feel the same way about clean air and water here in Florida, although the politicians are doing everything they can to ruin things! Those are gorgeous photos, Grace! Re your comment on Ocala: Would I ever try to lead you astray? šŸ˜Ž

  4. I wonder where they were from. You do live in one very beautiful city.

  5. He was right. You are indeed fortunate to live in such a beautiful place, Grace!

  6. Heat. Now there's a nice thought. :-)

  7. So beautiful it looks like a painting of paradise.

  8.'s upon easy to take all the wonderful things that surround us for granted.

  9. It's a different location. Some things are never taken for granted.

  10. A different view of the Perth skyline. I agree Grace, we are indeed lucky to live in a beautiful and clean city!

  11. Que maravilha, gostei de ver.
    Um abraƧo e continuaĆ§Ć£o de boa semana.

  12. Ha,ha, I like that enthusiastic man, of course you know the beauty of your country, but sometimes it is good someone reminds you at that!

  13. a beautiful view grace and what a nice encounter!

  14. And you share it beautifully to our great pleasure, G!
