Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Introducing Mr & Mrs C..!

Aren't they a lovely couple! Isn't it uncanny how often when talking about something or someone they seem to materialize in some way soon after. The mural I posted on Tuesday came to life in my front garden a few days later. As they travel around in groups I heard the distinctive cry of the Carnaby's Black Cockatoo even before they landed. I was pretty chuffed, this is the first time I've been able to catch them so clearly.. you can see the female with her bone coloured beak and grey eyeliner and the male with his dark grey beak and pink eye ring, isn't that the way with birds, the males are usually the more colourful!

...and this is what attracts them, the flowers and seed from my bottle brush tree..unfortunately not in full flower right now so the pickings were slim.. The Carnaby's cockatoo is on the endangered list as "fauna that is rare or is likely to become extinct".. it makes me sad and angry that we as  'supposedly' intelligent beings are responsible for such a thing, so I will do my best to capture as many images of them while I can. Happy Tuesday, take care...


  1. Don't you just love when that happens?!!! Great captures Grace!!!

  2. That is awesome! It's hard to believe what we usually only see in cages, fly free where you live.
    Very nice photos!

  3. I envy that you can see all the birds (and other animals) in such close proximity. So exotic!!

  4. Cute indeed, the first photo is awesome!

  5. I do agree with Pat and Kate -- what we can only see in cages fly/roam free where you live!! Fantastic!! Your captures are really superb, Grace!! Thanks so much for sharing!! Hope your week is going well!!

  6. Unas increĆ­bles fotos... Un saludo desde Murcia....

  7. You are doing your bit by providing them with a favourite food, Grace. It was thrilling to open this post today and see them after your mural post.

  8. Looking at that first photo, I wondered who was surprised by whom. :-)

  9. I wish I knew what eyeliner brand that is... ;-) That first shot is priceless!

  10. They are so beautiful, Grace! I prefer the female´s look..
    Though... purple on a guy sure is ... strong.. or feminine?
    I prefer mine in male colors, old-fashioned-me ;-)
    Very humble, cute birds - and right at your place! Lucky you, enjoy :-)

  11. Super shots of the birds. Now where is my eye liner....

  12. Wonderful shots Grace. Those birds are beautiful.

  13. Magnificent, Grace - both the birds and photos! Those Carnaby's get around, hey!

  14. You have psychic powers, Grace. That is why they came to visit. Doesn't it seem unfair that in homo sapiens the females are the ones who are so gorgeously colorful and the males are so drab?

  15. Are those the red eyes of anger? Or are they just happy to see you?

  16. These are just wonderful! Love them!

  17. You couldn't have done better in a studio with tame birds. Interesting that they are not black black.

  18. And to just whom are you referring?

    - Mr. C

  19. How many bird species does Australia have?

  20. So lucky to be able to capture such lovely birds. I don't think I ever seen the black cockatoos around my area.

  21. I see that I am dressed this morning in bright red t-shirt, emerald green fleece, green trousers and blue socks - no eye-liner!

  22. Mr and Mrs C look quite at home in that tree Grace. Mrs C is wearing just the right amount of eye liner.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Wonderful shots. I see that they kept a close eye on you though !

  25. What a great capture, at the first photo they are looking so funny!

  26. What a treat to have such gorgeous creatures flying around your neighborhood.

  27. They are a great couple! Wish we had such "exotic" birds here. :)

  28. You take my breath away with your photos! Magnifique..... The sixth Great Cocky Count (GCC), WA’s biggest survey for Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo, will be held on 6 April 2014.

  29. Thanks for the introduction. That first shot is amazing.

  30. Fabulous shots of this marvellous creature.

  31. They're beautiful birds and your photos are superb!

  32. They are so cute.
    I have never seen anything like this.
    And you will see them just everyday life.!

  33. Awesome, both birds and blooming tree!

  34. Jose is correct - aaaawesome tree and birds - and photos!
