Thursday, January 23, 2014

Opposite extremes....!

I don't like the taste of beer and I hardly ever drink sodas.. but when it's hot, hot, hot there's nothing quite as thirst quenching as a 'shandy'... which includes both! I was surprised when I googled 'shandy' to find so many sites with recipes.. I was under the impression that we invented it when we lived in Africa :) Take an ice cold glass, add beer.. strength depending on your taste, top it with lemonade or ginger beer, a dash of lime and there you have it, so good! Thoughts go out to all in the path of the 'polar vortex part two', the footage on the news is mind boggling.. I'm guessing it's a bit like here at the moment, for opposite reasons, if you don't have to go out.. don't. Have a good Thursday, take care and stay safe.....


  1. Yep, it's a balmy -17C here this morning. -25C wind chill. And my car is still locked in ice after three attempts to free it. Sheesh! No cold drinks for me, please. :-)

  2. I don't care for shandies myself, but that one does look pretty tempting!

  3. I never drink things with bubbles , but I like the colors of your glass!

  4. It was minus-26 or 27C here this morning... and then when you add in the windchill, so much the colder.

    Hot drinks are in order here, whereas for you, the colder the better!

  5. I'll save the shandy for later in the year when I hope it'll be a bit more tempting. Not that we've got any ice and snow (so far) - just rain.

  6. In a few month I'll drink these.. in a few month.... :-)

  7. Oh if only we could share in your heat, and we could give you some of our cold! But even if we're in deep freeze part II here, this looks amazing - I will just have to give it a try when our temperatures go through the roof come June-August!

  8. Sounds good to me even though our weather is still just GRAY and DAMP -- not really col!! Stay cool, Grace!!

  9. Oh gosh, I'd forgotten about shandies!

  10. The 'sweat' on the glass speaks volumes. Hope the cooler weather arrives soon. BTW...your photographs look divine :).

  11. We call it "Radler", Grace, from Rad (actually (Fahr)rad) = bike) - you can have a refreshing beer-like drink and still drive safely in the "German heat" :-)
    "Fantastique" - non? ;-)

  12. Does that stuff not give you headaches.....?

  13. I don't think that I will try one of those, just can't get my mind around mixing those together. I am having a cup of tea on a cold winter night.

  14. Sounds really good! I guess I will wait until Summer.

  15. Looks good to me, Grace! But it was -23˚C here this morning so a hot drink is in order.

  16. My kinda gal yet again! *Clink*

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >

  17. I'm more of a wine drinker. Nice photo.

  18. I can't stand the smell of beer, never tried a shandy for that reason, but it looks very refreshing in the photo.

  19. I wanna be lounging by a pool....

  20. I prefer a good craft beer, but there was a time when I used to drink a shandy of beer and ginger ale. At the moment some nice hot tea, and maybe a dram of scotch would be nice.

    Your photo looks so very suitably tropical as I watch a show on HGTV about buying houses in Hawaii!

  21. Nice way to stay cool Grace.

  22. I used to like shandy but have not had one in years. While you cook we have dropped to minus figures here and have a fire burning! Have a great day Diane

  23. Thanks for the education on shandies. That's a new one to me. Well, I hope it keeps you cool. You must be feeling better to drink one of these.

  24. Oh, I would love to have warmth right now to enjoy a shandy like yours….Enjoy!

  25. I'm not familiar with a "shandy," but will have to give it a try. We have what's known as an "Arnold Palmer," named after the famous golfer: It's lemonade and tea. Some people like it, but I'm not a fan.

  26. For some reason, I can't drink anything alcoholic when it's hot. I'll have to just stick with my iced tea.

  27. i've never heard of that drink...sounds good! and i love the photo!

  28. Wonderful photo, all that colour- what a good way to stay cool!

  29. I've heard of Shandy's...can't say I'll ever have one myself as I'm not much of a beer drinker...but I'd take a sip of someone else's just to say I tried it!!!

  30. Beautiful, beautiful photographs for today, Grace. I will have to take pass on the shandy, but I did love how it looks.
